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Kebab Man

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Everything posted by Kebab Man

  1. Kebab Man

    Pork Ribs

    Re: Pork Ribs I'm cooking ribs tomorrow and thinking about a long slow cook with a lot of wood chips for smoke...say 12 hours indirect. Has anybody done this and would appreciate any and all suggestions.
  2. Re: Did I make a mistake? Thank you. I do have chunks. I see I have much to learn. Gary
  3. Re: Did I make a mistake? The gasket looks fine - like new. It closes tight and appears to be working. Quick question: when I use wood chips for smoke - I understand I soak them in water and wrap in aluminum foil. Do I put them directly in the fire basket?
  4. I did my first burn today and thought it all went well. Kept the temp between 475-510 degrees F for over 3 hours. The problem is I just found out from reading this forum the latch has two catches! I reread Dennis's instructions 5 times and apparently missed it!! Did I damage the gasket? How can I tell? Gary
  5. Re: Help putting this thing together!! Thanks Tony - I doing my first high temp burn today. Babysitting KK
  6. Re: Help putting this thing together!! Robert Apparently I'm not allowed to send private messages because I am new to the forum...according to the message I received when I made the attempt. Can you please email me at [email protected] and I will send you my cell # Thanks gs
  7. Re: Help putting this thing together!! Robert Thanks so much for your help. I'm looking to send you a private message with my phone number. Best Gary
  8. Finally got my KK up the stairs onto the balcony. I have a lot of questions and don't want to mess things up. See pictures with questions. I have tried to order the baskets for rotisserie however the website on Komodo Kamado doesn't work. It just gives me an error when I go to order. I've tried email and calling Dennis without success. I think he is traveling to the states to visit relatives. The instructions show cradle handles included. I never received them. Should they be included? How do you clean the ashes? I understand you open the rear door but how do you get the ashes out? With a small shovel? Thank you in advance for anyone willing to help. I am also happy to provide my phone number. I'm anxious to get started Gary
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