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DennisLinkletter replied to DennisLinkletter's topic in KK Cooking
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Next week! Will be in the low 70s. Today is snowing and the wind is blowing up to 50 mph. Not a good day to grill out!
That cook made me hungry @Mark Jacobs. Yum. Hey @tony b, let's see your chops!
Looks like a good time was had by all @jonj!
Very nice. Love me some lamb loin chops! Got a stash in the freezer.
MacKenzie started following Baby lamb chops and roasted tiny potatoes
Looking very tasty.🤩
Cooked on the BB 32.
Sounds like a fun time, jonj and I see you had a special candle on the cake.
Alan Docherty joined the community
A couple of long-time college friends were over for one's birthday dinner. I usually experiment with them so tried a total dinner cooked in the wood oven: roasted salmon with rosemary over lemon wedges, smashed potatoes (also with rosemary), and green beans. German chocolate cake for dessert Since I was outside cooking, I wasn't able to get any presentation shots. Only a couple of "after the swarm" shots when I finally fixed my plate. 🤣 It was a good dinner; I'll make it again.
- Earlier
The best part of my trips to Dallas were fried chicken at Babe's Fride Chicken Dinner House and then Hard 8 BBQ, especially the sausage and brisket !!! I loved Babe's, only two things on the menu, fried chicken or chicken fried steak and it was always served family style
Chicken dinner, cooked indoors. Tasted good but not as nice as when cooked in the KK. Roll on spring!
Elgin "Hot Guts" sausages are legendary! I lived in Bastrop for several years, i would buy the sausages from a butcher on the south side of town. Hogs coming in the back door were sold in the cold case at the front of the building. Wish i could still get them that fresh.
Took advantage of our almost spring-like weather yesterday (58F) to finally get out and grill! It's been brutally cold here (single digit highs and well below zero at night) all of last week, so no grilling for this kid. Trader Joe's chicken shawarma thighs.
Those better be some DAMN good sausages! WOW!
nice work tekobo! looks delicious
I used to order the hot links from a place in Elgin, i always had a few dozen in the freezer. But about two years ago the shipping costs soared and i just couldnt justify it anymore. South Side Market EDIT: Yes, I just placed an order $130 worth of sausage cost $75 to ship
Got another email from the Fruita folks. They got swamped with orders after the announcement, so they've taken the website down and not taking any more orders until April. They will do inventory at that time and sell off what's left, but in large lots of 30 & 45 lbs boxes.
I checked my inventory and ordered mesquite and apple chunks. I noticed that they aren't offering the mixed boxes anymore. So, I ended up having to order 10 lbs of each.
A few decades ago I was at a math conference in College Station, Texas, and lead various forays into the town's ok BBQ. On yet another wine buying stop for the courtyard parties at our hotel, I asked if I'd found the best place. I don't It's tough being a New Yorker, while traveling. Paragraphs flit by in one's mind in the pauses between words, elsewhere. It's polite to appear to be paying attention, but that requires focus. eat barbecue Oh gawd! I'm asking the one vegetarian outside Austin! How do I get out of this conversation gracefully? round here! Well then! He sent me to Elgin, Texas. They're known for their hot links, sold in supermarkets across the state, but there were several places selling extraordinary brisket. My own best efforts would be #2, #3, #4 for me, but they were #1. I brought back more on the plane to NYC (causing some commotion) to reheat at the kind of wine tasting I now avoid. They started ordering delivery.
Another great looking feast!
Article in the New Yorker (which I read religiously) from yesterday. You should be able to read an article or two even if you're not a subscriber.
I agree with you. No fighting just end to end hockey, only 1 penalty, not a lot of off sides. It couldn't have been better.