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Mud Man

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Posts posted by Mud Man

  1. By nature I am a lurker rather than a poster and this is my first post on any forum. I could no longer remain silent and felt that I needed to "testify" on behalf of the KK product and our trusted leader Dennis.

    My initial KK story was somewhat bumpy with 2 different Komodos damaged in transit from the Orient. One was destroyed and never reached Raleigh the other reached my home was signed for by me and only later found to have serious damage from improper repackaging after going through customs. After discovering the damage I finally accepted the fact that I was a fool for trying to import (without a distributor) the finest cooker available. My wife gave me that "I told you so look" and I essentially kissed my hard earned money good by knowing that guy in Indonesia had my money and a signed receipt and I had a damaged grill.

    In any event I was wrong! Dennis made good on his promise and I had my new KK in a few weeks; this time undamaged. I BELIEVE!!!

    PS My damaged KK has been salvaged by a fellow Raleigh-ite, none other than the Naked Whiz who was kind enough to help me get this 500+ pound monster up on my deck!

    Happy Que-ing

    Mud Man

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