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10 Good


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    Stillwater, MN
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    Triathlon & BBQ
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  1. NOBIV

    KK vs. BGE

    Thank you all for the responses. Was not quite sure what I was going to get with the first, but hey humor is a good thing. I already have the BGE and was considering selling it - although I just purchased in in April. It does the job as I have cooked 1 pork butt for 20 hours, various ribs; pork, KC, short (beef), beer can chicken, you name it. Even got the thing to 800+ for 1.5 inch bone-in ribeyes. Nothing has turned out bad. BTW The beef short ribs were something special. It maintains temperatures both low and high. My only complaint is the grilling surface area is too small even for the large BGE. So cooking up multiples of anything is a chore unless you strart adding Eggcessories to it.... So, I will give it till the end of the year and then beg the wife...Actually I never beg, I simply ask for forgiveness....... Thanks also to NakedWhiz for the lump suggestions...The Wicked Good is really just that Wicked Good I figure 66 lbs should last through the winter.... Thanks again
  2. Having made the trek from Weber Genesis to BGE (Large) and having stumbled upon this grill and other such "nuggets" from the NakedWhiz website, I am curious if others have used both (KK and BGE) and could offer up some differences..... Thank you,
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