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Yam the Bomb

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Posts posted by Yam the Bomb

  1. Thanks for the tips everyone. I'm real disappointed that a baked potato isn't going to go well on the grill. I'm a meat and potatoes only kind of guy.

    Believe me, I will keep it very simple. If I can cook simple stuff that tastes good then I will love my grill.

    I was looking at it this morning and trying to see what name came to me and the obvious one came to mind. It's terra blue and I kind of have a bomb theme going with my Yam the Bomb so...The Crusty Blue Bomber seems so obvious. My wife was underwhelmed.

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  2. Thanks Halfsmoke. I did play around with just heating the grill up yesterday. Grilled a few burgers for my introductory voyage. Came out good for a beginner. I have a digital thermometer I'm using but it's a cheapie. Seems accurate. But I'm going to get one of the nice ones I see you guys talking about. 

    I think I'll cook a filet tonight since that's what I usually grill. Plus I love them. What temp would be ideal to get the grill up to for that? Also if I want to bake a potatoe how would I go about that? These questions are probably easily searchable. I'm still getting used to the forum layout. 

  3. Hello everyone. I'm Scott from Indiana. I just got my Terra Blue KK 22" this week. Love the design and quality of this thing. 

    I am green as they come when it comes to grilling (or cooking anything for that matter. ) We put a new swimming pool in recently so I googled the best grills and started researching. Never expected to spend thousands but once I read about the kk I came around and figured I would just go for it. My next door neighbor has a BGE and he loves it. 

    My only experience with any form of grilling is from using a cheap hardware store gas grill and just going with krispy or extra krispy as options. I was grilling some burgers recently and my niece said "I want mine medium-rare."  I said What do you think I am? A psychic? I haven't cooked them yet. How would I know what they are going to be?

    Can you guys fix me. I just want to be able to grill simple stuff.

    The name Yam the Bomb comes from the name I gave one of my motorcycles many years ago (a Yamaha) and I use that name on motorcycle forums. Got to keep it simple since we all have way too many usernames and passwords to remember these days. 

    I'm not sure if this is even the right section for intros. But there it is.


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  4. Seriously? My HiCap 22 is being delivered Tuesday, I have a place to put it, I've read the manual frontwards and backwards and I'll have 6 stout young carpenters on site to move it. I'm as prepared as I can get as far as getting it off the truck, rolled in place, burning in, etc.. But I can't for the life of me think of a name for a cooking appliance.

    I just have no talent for giving names to inanimate objects, heck, I have trouble with kids and pets. My wife named both our kids(thank God), I tend to name cats either with some horrific name like "Nathaniel Hawthorne Cat"(my wife reduced it to "Catter", bless her) or just a description like "Yellow Cat".  Except for my Bronco II years ago which I nicknamed Baby Bronc my vehicles have always been what the manufacturer called them.

    So is this a mandatory thing for KK owners?  Will I be shunned if I just call my grill a KK or should it be referred to as the  Supreme Hi-Cap 22 Autumn Nebula/Metallic Bronze Tweed? As I said, I'm awful at this.

    I'm open to suggestions, BTW.




    Your KK is named Dr. Tweedall. I saw it's birth certificate. Full name is Dr. Milburn P. Tweedall.

    I name everything. Always have. It's mandatory. I had plenty of time for it since I spent my whole life not learning how to cook. Hoping to change that now.

    That's my first post by the way.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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