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Posts posted by golfpro2301

  1. Finally got around to face loft on KK. I was able to get it over to my house and started prepping the tiles. I had to replace some on stack that I didnt do when rebuilding the grill (see hammered KK thread).

    Sanded whole thing down with 80 grit to give some texture for paint to stick to. Taped off all SS and sprayed with hvlp. Paint used is charcoal metallic high heat from KBS coatings. Ill hit it with a high heat clear as well tomorrow


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  2. Hello everyone


    In final stages of finishing outdoor patio area. Where the 23” KK is going is at low point in patio for drainage. In order to get KK to equal countertop height I need to raise it roughly 2”. Im either going to build a platform with drain for water to run underneath or just set each wheel on a paver that matches existing patio. My main question is what is best way to lift up a few inches?


    Start to dolly and lean back

    Hydraulic jack under bottom center

    Straps under each leg and a bunch of dudes



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  3. I am building an outdoor kitchen and my 23” KK doesnt really go with footprint. I am looking to trade for a table top version if anyone is willing.


    Located in Jacksonville Fl. This os the hammered KK I had a thread on a while back



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  4. Hey all. I have made tough decision to sell the hammered KK. Its a 23” metallic bronze that was rebuilt. Most of you followed the thread a few years ago. I am building new outdoor kitchen setup and unfortunately just doesnt fit the space. I live in NE Florida.


    Few tiles on side missing but I still have them. Just havent reinstalled. Front left knob on air intake broke off as well. Grill still runs flawlessly.


    $3200 OBO







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  5. Hey Everyone

    Been a long while since I have been on. If you dont remember I was the fortunate one that bought a 23 KK for $250 and worked with Dennis over multi month period in redoing a log of the grout/tile work to bring it back to life. I have since moved and getting ready to start work on outdoor patio with a corner dedicated to my cookers (23 KK, 250Gallon offset, and a soon to be Brick Pizza oven). Color scheme for the oven, offset, and the countertop will be black with grey pavers/tiles. My KK is currently bronze tile but was thinking of using the KB high heat coating I use on my other smoker builds to paint it black followed by multiple layers high heat clear. 

    Anyone have experience with painting mosaic tiles? I have used this paint with great success on everything else but never tile.



  6. Hey all. Feels like been forever since I have been on here. I have been using the 23 pretty much every weekend to cook steak and wings and thats about it. Started Keto diet in February and down 80lbs. Cant eat the sweet pulled pork or ribs and it sucks.  Doing the Thanksgiving bird in the KK again this year. Last rear ran it about 280 on the upper grate and turned out good. Going to crank it up 325-350 this year and was wondering about putting it high up in the dome. Would that be good idea or burn the skin?

    Also I have a 23lb butter ball and think at 325-350 will take 4 hours. It is your typical 8% solution so am probably not going to bring but was going to inject with a savory/brown sugar injection. Anyone have any good recipes?

    As always appreciate the help

  7. Hey everyone

    A buddy from a stock trading group I am in came across this in California. He knows about my KK restore and asked me what it is. Owner is selling it and he said he paid $3k for it 6 yrs ago at California Backyard. Can anyone help me on what brand cooker this is and value of these. He is going to go look at it Thurs and take more pics of work that need to be done.


  8. Hey everyone. Been a really long time. I was the one that did the "Hammered KK" rebuild about two years ago. You can find the story here.

    Had a child in April of this year and the KK is at my parents so I havent been able to use it really. Finally decided I needed to cook on it more. Brother in laws and myself drug it thru the house to the back porch where it now sits on display. Did some chicken wings last weekend that turned out great. Cooking some pork butts today for a halloween party this week. Few things I want to ask for those who cook low and slow.

    1. I use BBQ guru. Whats the trick to keeping temp low. Mine likes to run up to 275 range. 

    2. Although the lower damper door sits flush there is still air getting thru. Anyone else notice this?

    3. The food probe for the guru has a bend in it and I cant get it thru the rubber cap on the side. Anyone have a solution to this?

    4. When doing low and slow does anyone use a heat diffuser. I put a pizza stone on bottom rack but noticed some big hot spots towards back of the grills. Thought about resting the stone directly on the charcoal basket handles or is the diffuser not needed.

    5. Had issues with the second gasket so I scraped everythng cleaned and used a felt gasket. Been working well. 


  9. Hello Everyone. Feels like forever since I have been on here and even longer since used the Hammered KK. Last time she was fired up was in May I think. Had a questions about the gaskets. I added the 2nd gasket using an rtv sealant that cures rock hard. The gasket isnt sticking to it and coming off in places. I plan on removing the new gasket and cleaning out the material . I have always used silicone on previous cookers but wondering if that is a bad idea due to heat. Are there any soft cure sealants to use on the gasket that will work best.

    Decided to do the Thanksgiving bird in the KK so want to get everything buttoned up before then. To be honest this may be my last cook on it. Expecting my first child in April and may need to sell for the $$$. I have no idea what the value is but I know will be tough decision to sell. Please someone talk me out of it.

  10. So took a weekend off before TPC week here in Ponte Vedra next week. Its busiest time year for me. Sitting around and decided pizza on KK sounded good for dinner. This will be my first attempt and could use some help. Looking thru other posts I know one thing for sure and that is to put stone high up into lid. I see most cook around 550 but some at 700+. If anyone has good thread to look at please let me know. My main questions are below.

    Heat to cook at?

    How to get thin crust?

    Cook time?

    What to use to get pie to slide off spatula?

    Dont want to fubar my first time in front of family

  11. So let her run for a while today and had very little venting. there were a few large spots on the lid where I replaced tiles but nothing crazy. One thing I realized is it was going to be hard for me to notice tiles popping out since a lot of the tiles I replaced don't sit perfectly flush with the rest. After realizing this I decided a higher temp was the solution so cranked her up to 700. I then started to get the smell and hear the "hissing" of the vapor escaping in areas. I used a very small nail and started poling holes around the tiles to let the fluid and vapor escape. I put my maverick probe thru the grommet and it was reading 550. Not sure if there was a 150* difference from dome to grate so may need to calibrate the tel tru if possible. I didn't look to see if there was a screw on the back or not. After holding for 700 (dome thermos) for an hour I decided to just let her run and opened up air intake fully. The gauge wrapped around and was almost at the 200 so I am assuming this was 900-1000. After this there was 2 little spots that started venting and took care of those. I just let the coals burn themselves out and shut her down. I left it in the driveway and went to work on the golf game for a but. Came back at 6:30 and was still at 250 so the hold their heat well. All tiles were firm with no movement. One thing I did notice is the rutland gasket cement didn't work that well as the new gasket is coming up in some areas. May apply some silicone to a few areas. Planning on first cook next week sometime. 

  12. Got her fired up and holding at 525. Temp control on these is amazing. Ill never own a BGE again I know that. Good thing for me is I only need to focus on front and lid where I replaced all the tiles. 20170405_103328.thumb.jpg.b1908bf5ffc0a567de1e9e57f6439cb2.jpg

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  13. I forgot to include detailed rebuild cost

    Bought damaged - $250

    Mandatory replacement parts plus shipping from over seas  (tiles, acrylic grout, thermometer, guru port plug, gasket) - $534

    Parts ordered didnt need (dual draft door, heat shield) - $169

    Misc costs - $100

    Total costs - $1053

    I would say I have a good looking KK for slightly less than new

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  14. Got everything I wanted to get done today. I was able to fill in all the cracks. Got the gasket installed. Gave her a good wipe down and in the process noticed a few cracks that need to be filled and 2 tiles that had cracks in them that I didnt notice the first time around. Just going to leave those there as they are not noticeable. Called Dennis and he was able to walk me thru the adjustments to the front draft door to get it to sit flush. It is almost perfect. May need to tweak it a little more but not much.



    Here are the before and after shots. Been a long road but happy with the result. Burn in is set for Wed which means the first cook is a brisket next week. 




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  15. Thanks for all the compliments. Looking forward to being able to stop working on it and start cooking on it. I just remembered the Ace Hardware by my house sells rutland gasket cement which handles 2000*. I used this on a few other homemade smokers with great results so going to go grab a few tubes today. Goal for today is to fill in large gaps on lid, try and give the tiles a good cleaning. I will call Dennis for the adjustment to the door. Last thing I will do is apply new gasket and let it sit overnight. If I am able to get this all done I will be able to do burn in on Wed

  16. Nice to have a day off with nothing to do so decided to get in a quick 18 holes in the morning and try and finish up all the tiles with my dad in the afternoon. The biggest issue I was having is removing the dried acrylic material holding the tiles on. Doing some research on the internet they said to use water as a lubricant when using that nylon brush drill attachment. I stopped by Home Depot and they had a non-cement grout haze remover and with that and a little elbow grease everything came off. Here is the substance I used



    After removing all the leftover residue from the first day of laying tiles I went about adding the remaining ones. After a few hours I have finally finished with all the tiles. I didnt want to mess with the cap so I am leaving that as is with a few broken tiles on it. I ran into some gap issues and used heavy duty wire cutters to cut tiles in shapes that I need. The only thing left now is filling in some large gaps on the lid and polishing up the tiles to make a nice shine. I just ordered the permatex off amazon to install the gasket. I will do this last thing. I got the new thermo installed and the shelves put back together. One thing I need to adjust is the new dual damper door. The bottom right corner doesnt sit flush with the frame. It sits out about 3/16". I am so close to finishing this project. I think 1 or 2 more solid days of work and she is good to go. Here are the pictures with all tiles on. It is not an expert job but unless you are close you really cant tell. Alot of the tiles that sit out will be smoothed over with added acrylic grout.




    here is the gap in the draft door. The bottom right corner almost comes out flush to the edge. When I push on it to sit flush with the frame behind it it moves that 1/8"-3/16"






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  17. I know I keep forgetting to take some pics. Had to take a TV over to my parents house tonight where the KK is located so grabbed a few. Couldnt get a pic of where I sanded down the grout as my phone was dying and couldnt use flash. 

    Here is the nylon attachment I am using. I ordered 3 more that should be here Sat.


    All the extra parts came in today. Heat deflector, Guru Plug, Thermo, New Dual Draft Door, and Larger Gasket


    I cant remember if I posted pictures of the finished shelves. I grew up building antique style cabinets with my pop. We used the distress look a lot so that is what I did. I used a red mohagony stain. Put on 3 coats then used 120 grit sand paper in random spots. Then covered with 5 coats of clear.20170323_213840.thumb.jpg.de74b65bc6be3fc5fc40cd0feb72e4c4.jpg

    And here is a random picture from a gift I bought myself this past weekend in the Bahamas. I had two nice Eco Drive watches that was stolen out of my truck a few years ago and havent had a watch since. I have always wanted a Breitling Navitimer but as an avg cost of $7k+ It was more of a dream. Well one of 50 Breitling boutiques is located in Nassau so decided to stop by and take a look. That is when I saw this 1884 limited edition Navitimer. Only 1884 in the world ans this is number 1150. Couldnt walk away from it so I picked her up. Between the Pitmaker Vault, 2 pellett cookers, KK, Watch, and the competition BBQ trailer I have been cut off from the Mrs.


    Lastly an update on the pup. This is main reason why havent been getting much done. Taking care of her with cleaning wounds, pills, etc has taken all my time. Got call from vet this past weekend and 2 of the 3 tumors were benign and the largest one came back as a very rare tumor that is usually only seen a few times a year. Luckily they only grow back 4% of the time and they gave her an 85% chance of living full lifespan so I am very relived to hear that now. Will get more pictures of tile cleaning this weekend.

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  18. Sorry for delaying this so much. Been crazy busy with golf lately and just got back from a cruise a few days ago. Was able to get some more work done today. All of my time now is spent cleaning up the grout. Once I get this all cleaned up there is less than 100 tiles left to be installed. I had a 240 grit nylon drill brush overnighted as well as 10 nylon dremel brushes. Figured the large drill brush would remove large chunks and can use the higher RPM of the dremel to do fine cleaning. The 240 grit worked well but not well enough. The dremel ones worked fantastically the only problem is the nylon brush wears down after about 30 seconds. So based on having to clean 500 tiles I would need to purchase 500+ and that is a no go. I just jumped on Amazon and purchased 3 smaller 120 Grit brushes to cover smaller surface area and that is a little rougher. Going to use water as a lubricant. Parts should be delivered Sat. The thermo, guru plug, front door, and heat deflector should be here Friday as well. 

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  19. Was planning on putting on the rest of the tile today but was in the 30's this morning and with leaving for a cruise tomorrow just didn't have the time. I went over and took a look at it for the first time since putting on the batch of tiles and they are secured very well. Just need to cleanup a lot of the excess insulation. Looking around online I found that a lot of tile guys will use a nylon brush wheel attached to a drill. They use it on glass back splash tiles in the kitchen so figured it wouldn't damage these tiles. Got the email today that the remaining parts shipped so hoping we can get her done and fired up soon. I just put a brisket in the freezer that I had wet aging for 45 days in the fridge. That may be the inaugural cook. 

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