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About GeoQue

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    Junior Member
  1. Approximately how much will it cost to ship a 23 OTB to the Dallas area? After adjusting the bands on my Sacramento K7 yet again I'm about ready to sell it and upgrade to a KK. Thank you
  2. GeoQue

    K or KK

    Thanks everyone for responding so quickly. Reading the responses, reviewing this site more carefully, and doing a bit more of my own research made me very glad that I hesitated before ordering another K. Although I thought I did not have a real problem with my K, (like tiles falling off or serious cracks) I guess the warped main grill, the lump saver that fell apart, the inability to get my stainless steel parts back to shiny, and the frequent need for band adjustments are problems that may be avoided with a KK. The bright side of this for me is that my K still looks very nice, so I should be able to sell it fairly easily after I replace the warped and broken parts which I have already ordered. I hope to be cooking with a KK within a few months.
  3. GeoQue

    K or KK

    I have a K7 and it does appear the KK is a superior product. With that said, the only real problem I've had in the 4 years I've had the K7 is that the stainless steel main grill warped and the lump saver fell apart...not enough to discourage me from buying another K. I'm considering buying another K-7 or a smaller K-5. After spending time on this site, I am very interested in a Supreme Plus or Supreme. My question to those of you who have used both the K and KK..Is a KK really worth the extra $1500 over the sale price of a K-7? and why do you feel that way? This price difference is the only reason I haven't already ordered a KK. Please note, I am concerned about the K customer service (or lack thereof); but not enough to bridge the cost gap. I am sincerely interested in a valid comparison based on those who have experience with both products. If this is not the format to ask these questions I apologize in advance. Thanks
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