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About dwr435

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  1. Thank you for the info. I will certainly look more at the flashback issue. From what i have seen it mostly pccurs when a really hot fire is deprived of O2 and then some is introduced, is this pretty much accurate?
  2. Thanks for all the info. This really does seem like a great set up. Has anyone done any tandoori style cooking on one of these? Or wood oven style pizza? Have a great day.
  3. Thank you for the replys. I am just trying to figure out what to buy and this seems like a really good choice. Please excuse my spelling. To explain my questions a little more, or reasons behind them. I was asking about the burner as the pics seem to resemble the comon cheaper burners out there, not being critical and i dont own one so i dont know, but for something of this value I would like to be able to put in a stainless steel burner for better life and also get some more heat out of it possibly. I was asking about the temp as I would like to get up to around 1000 degrees for tandoori style cooking and making breads/pizza. As far as the grill space I was curious if a 19 would be big enough, but the costs arent that far off from each other that it may be a moot point. As far as the cooking comp question, I was just curious as all things have pros and cons and i wasnt sure if they were banned because of some advantage they had or if they were too heavy or something like that. Thank you for the information I gratly appreciate it.
  4. I m sure most of these questions have been answered before but I didnt see them in my reading so here it goes. I am doing some research for a new grill purchase in about a year. I like the versatility the KK seems to offer, ie high temp searing, gas for quick cooks, low and slow, pizza bread cooking, any help on these questions is greatly apreciated. Can the gas burner be replaced with a different burner? Would this void the waranty? What is the highest recomended temp? What is the available Sq inch cooking space on the 2 sizes? Is moisture retention the same/worse/better than the other ceramic grills? What are the average delivery costs? Are ceramic cookers banned from BBQ comps? I have not seen any on tv coverage of comps other than eggs at eggfest? Thank you very much for any help. Dave
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