I recently received delivery of a new 23" Ultimate in Terracotta Blue. So far I've had no problems cooking at 300F+ and I think I've solved cooking at ~225F which ended up being lighting a single area of coals (I'm using Royal Oak/USA) with a cube, letting it get going a bit, hit it with my Looflighter and wait a bit for that area to be ashed over a bit. Then closing the lid with the top vent open 1/2 turn and the bottom set to the most restrictive hole. I also need to make sure the hole for the temp probes is closed off (I just use a wine bottle cork- not sure if there is something better?).
That's fine for BBQ, but when I've had really bad luck trying to tune things for smoking at 180F. If after a few hours of 225 I try closing the top vent to 1/4" open that seems to be killing the fire temps and temps will drop over the next few hours below 100F.
Was thinking of maybe opening the bottom vent a bit more to help encourage more air flow through the restricted top vent, but not sure what to do. I've used a Weber Bullet smoker for about a decade before this, but it's a totally different beast from the KK and quickly learning that I need to re-think how to do temperature management!