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About synfinatic

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  1. Decided to smoke some 2" pork chops. Using the correct holes for the temp probes this time and the grill has been reading 176F and the built in gauge 190F for the last 30min. Once I knew what I was doing I'd dare say it was easy. Thanks again for all the advice everyone!
  2. Thanks everyone. Sounds like vent management is basically the opposite on the KK vs. my old Weber. Now I understand the purpose of the different ports, it makes a lot more sense now
  3. Thanks for all the advice everyone. So sounds like: I have one of the new model BBQ Guru's on order... gonna be another month or so before it shows up it sounds like. Probably make this easier, but it seems like cheating Sounds like I was using the wrong hold for the probes? I see two silicone plugs in the front just below the lid, but I was using the larger hole with a metal screw plug which is much lower- near the blower port. The 6 extra silicone plugs I received won't fit that larger hole. I'll try running the probes through those holes next time. Anyone know what the larger screw port is for? Sounds like I need to use the top vent more to control air flow than the bottom and need to open up the bottom a lot more. Thanks for the advice everyone!
  4. I recently received delivery of a new 23" Ultimate in Terracotta Blue. So far I've had no problems cooking at 300F+ and I think I've solved cooking at ~225F which ended up being lighting a single area of coals (I'm using Royal Oak/USA) with a cube, letting it get going a bit, hit it with my Looflighter and wait a bit for that area to be ashed over a bit. Then closing the lid with the top vent open 1/2 turn and the bottom set to the most restrictive hole. I also need to make sure the hole for the temp probes is closed off (I just use a wine bottle cork- not sure if there is something better?). That's fine for BBQ, but when I've had really bad luck trying to tune things for smoking at 180F. If after a few hours of 225 I try closing the top vent to 1/4" open that seems to be killing the fire temps and temps will drop over the next few hours below 100F. Was thinking of maybe opening the bottom vent a bit more to help encourage more air flow through the restricted top vent, but not sure what to do. I've used a Weber Bullet smoker for about a decade before this, but it's a totally different beast from the KK and quickly learning that I need to re-think how to do temperature management! Thanks!
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