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Everything posted by mkwjr

  1. Re: LooftLighter I am relatively new to ceramic cooking, but I got my KK at the end of the summer, and after trying 5 or 6 of the "natural" alternatives, I splurged on the looftlighter on the strength of its amazon ratings. It takes a couple of minutes, but provides good control with no mess. Depending on the coal, it sometimes creates sparks, but for someone who is now grilling/smoking all the time, it was worth the investment.
  2. Re: New to ceramic cooking Thanks for the helpful advice...I will have to check these out...maybe I can even find the Indian one online someplace. Thanks again!
  3. I am anxiously awaiting my KK to be delivered to complete my new outdoor kitchen. While i am waiting, this forum appears to be a great resource for recipes and advanced techniques, but i would love any recommendations for books Or other resources on the basics of using a ceramic cooker. Thanks! Mike
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