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Everything posted by 0p0p0p

  1. 0p0p0p

    Polish your kk!

    Re: Polish your kk! For the stainless steel, I use Barkeeper's Helper. Works great!
  2. Re: KK in crate on patio - HELP with a few questions I received my Komodo two weeks ago. It arrived around noon. Not wanting to wait for my unsuspecting neighbors to come home from work to help me with the uncrating and transport to the patio in my backyard, I endeavored to do the job myself. I first removed the lag bolts to disconnect the crate from the platform. The crate proved too heavy for me to lift it over the Komodo, so I took a prybar and dismantled the cross members from the frame of the crate to reduce the overall its overall weight. Once the crate was reduced to the uprights and a few cross members, I was able to lift it over the grill with relative easy. Next, I created a ramp using the dismantled lumber to roll the Komodo off the platform onto a 4' x 6' plywood sheet. I gently pulled the Komodo down the ramp using the ropes that were tied to the legs. This was VERY easy. Once it was off the platform and onto the first plywood sheet, I tucked a second plywood sheet under the end of the first and rolled the Komodo (by pulling on the ropes) onto the second sheet. I continued to "leap frog" from one sheet of plywood to the next across my driveway, over the gravel side yard, and across the backyard lawn until the Komodo arrived at its final resting place on my patio. The entire effort proved to be FAR easier than my best-case-scenario prediction. I hope this helps! David
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