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About SizzledLizard

  • Rank
    Junior Member


  • Location
    Galveston, Texas
  • Interests
    fishing, cooking, traveling, skiing
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  1. I continually peek on the BBQ forums for mention of the KK's. It seems we (owners) are in a class all our own, when it comes to awesome cookers. I love to look at BBQ pictures, and it is only rarely that I come upon mention of the Komodo Kamados. And in all references to the KK's, I have never once heard a negative comment. I'm so completely happy with mine. I must say that I am a very proud owner, and I have impressed a number of folks with the quality of cooked meats that I have created on my KK. It's like we are in a realm of our own. My cooker is truly a prized possession. Thank you, Dennis!
  2. Re: wood as fuel Mike, would you mind linking, or directing me, to the thread where this discussion happened? I looked around a bit before I posted this. From my experience so far, the wood burning has been successful and delicious, so long as I let it burn down for a while. I noticed also that I get less cook time out of it, but there is still plenty left after a low and slow cook. The wood idea just got me thinking...I have a good variety of woods stockpiled from when I used to cook with the metal pits, and you see alot of people cooking with wood in competitions, backyards, and in the larger metal pits...so, I thought, why is it that such isn't the case with the kk group in this forum.
  3. Hi. I don't see much talk of using mostly wood in the kk's. I'm using a mix of Dennis' coconut, and wood. I have been increasing the amount of wood I use, and it's up to about 50/50 now. I'm thinking of going up to 75, and maybe even 100% wood. Aside from heavy smoking at first (20-30 minutes?), I'm thinking there's nothing wrong with this, as far as how it may adversely affect my cooker. What do you all think? Anyone use 100% wood? Why do most people use charcoal instead of wood?
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