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The Weekend Ahead - Basketball & Smoke

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I may be living in Singapore, but my heart is in Kentucky, and this weekend sees the University of Kentucky make a run for the SEC title in New Orleans. I'm already bumming from seeing photos of my family and friends on Bourbon Street -- I'd be there if I were in the States. For me, that means I've got to stay up for tip off times of 1AM tonight, 1AM tomorrow night, and 1AM Sunday night, assuming they make it to the championship game.

Since I'm going to be home and up late all weekend, I've got a smoke planned for each night, and the butcher just delivered: 4lbs of topside sliced and ready to go for jerky; 4 slabs of beef ribs; 4 slabs of babybacks; 7lb pork butt.

I'm not sure my British, Aussie, and other friends from around the world are going to care about the basketball this weekend, but rest assured they will pretend just to get access to the food...

Basketball, Beer, Meat, Meat, Meat, and more Meat....life is going to be good this weekend.

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