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Dennis speaks of his out of box thinking that resulted in the OTB series.

Let moi go out of this box and propose or at least throw out for those experts to consider another concept.

He tells of the uneven heat didtribution inherent in the classic design and his solution of an offset to address this, hence the OTB concept.

Would it be an improvement or enhabcement to consider having a convection capability to the K?

Convection cooking and ovens have clear advantages by providing even heating.

Cheap fans are available even on hats with solar power.

Cheap battery operated fans are available everywhere.

Can one of these be modified or developed to be placed inside the dome to provide a better heat distribution?

This could be a modified version that could be placed on the rack or attached at the lids or even be snaked in from the outside with a odometer type cable.

The question for the experts is whether this would in fact make for better heat distribution. Would it impact the burning of the charcoal with the increased air flow?

Would it impact the air flow settings?

Could it be made cheaply enough to even be disposable and replaced when the bearings are damaged by the heat if they are.

Should I get back into the box and worry about the Korea nukes or Foley


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here's why i don't want convection for my kk...

1) a great strength of the ceramic style cookers is that it reduces airflow. air passing over the food will tend to dry the food out. keeping things still inside the kk keeps the food moist.

2) ceramics are going to be MORE even heating than any steel cooker due to the fact that much of the cooking heat radiates from the walls of the cooker. by "heat-soaking" the walls (basically, preheating your cooker). the walls do the cooking more than the fire! so, if you preheat, and then get your fire down to the minimum necessary for keeping that heat level, you should get very even cooking.

3) i like to keep things simple!

while i do like convection ovens, i don't think that philosophy goes with the ceramic philosophy. it's like the difference between power-blasting dishes to get them clean vs soaking them in hot soapy water. they both work great separate; but you would get a mess if you combined them.

just mho!

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