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Everything posted by flanman

  1. Re: New BB32 Autumn Nebula coming to Rochester NY Thank you one and all !!!!!!!! What great feedback from everyone - just makes me that much more excited! Flanman
  2. Re: New BB32 Autumn Nebula coming to Rochester NY I am counting down the days now !!! I already spurn the old unit - LOL - just kidding - it got me to this decision and served me pretty well over the last 15 years but with some heartache and pain. Trust me, the shortcomings of the old unit will allow me to appreciate the new KK that much more.
  3. Hi everyone.... My new grill will be here next week. I have 2 old Kamado style grills and looking forward to breaking in my new grill and seeing the giant difference. I feel like I am about to graduate or something! I am so excited I will post pics when it arrives and first cook. Flanman
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