Just stumbled in here - that's why I'm late responding.
Sorry, I have no pics.
Received my black KK on Monday at 9:30 AM. By around 11:00, my 12-year-old son and I had it uncrated, in place and chugging along at around 250. Just for grins, I let it go and it's still going! I used one entire box of extruded coconut Koal. When I looked this AM, it looked like about 1/2 box was still there.
I also own a K7 that I've given up on. Tiles falling off, damper continuously rusting shut in spite of frequent wire brushings and oils of all types.
I'm very happy with my KK so far. LOVE not having to stick my face in the grill to tighten thumbscrews in order to keep the lid up.
My only problem is ordering accessories. I want to order the upper/sear grill and the EZque kit. I've emailed every address that I can find on this site since 2/22 and haven't heard back yet. Is there some order desk phone number that I'm missing? After reading all the posts talking about stellar customer service, I figure I must not be asking correctly.