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About bobsacco

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  1. Thanks. I guess I'm just a visual guy. It got pretty complicated in the 2nd paragraph.
  2. Thanks all, for the tips. I did not realize you could re-use the "Pizza grate". I just figured it was for Pizza only (to get the pizza stone and pizza high enough in the dome to get the reflective heat. More kudos to the genius of Dennis. One more question, are there any pictures of how to assemble the zone cooking firebox grate. I'm assuming you pull out the regular charcoal basket with he extended arms out then assemble the 2-zone basket? Just unsure about this. I could not find any definitive pics on the KK site that fully explains all the accessories and how to install them properly (for new owners).
  3. Hello all, I'm a newbie and had a question regarding grilling and searing. Cooking on a 23" model, it has several levels of grills. Just curious as to which one to use when grilling certain types of meat and veggies. Also, still can't seem to figure out how to setup the bottom-most (smallest grill for searing?) How do you use this without burning your arm to a crisp? Any tips welcome -bob
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