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About Kupermanp

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  1. They are splash proof not rain proof
  2. I have owned 1) BBQ guru cyber ground 2) fireboard2 pro 3) thermoworks signals All three with the fan to control temp. All three work great at maintaining temp for 24plus hours. You can't go wrong with any of them. You can send info to cloud with all three but the guru is a pain to setup. The other two just require the app I like the thermoworks the best. Mainly because it is rain proof. The other two I had to keep in a zip lock and I was always worried something would happen. You can get straight probes that will fit through the probe hole. I love the color coded rings so you can easily identify what's what. The notes feature is a bit lackluster and you can't save pictures. The fireboard is well made and the battery last forever even when powering the fan. You can use thermocouple probes so the accuracy is rock solid (but only 3. So pit plus two meats). The app will run the Temps through a algorithm to predict when the cook is done which is cool. The notes section is great. Your notes are saved individually at the time they are done. So you know exactly when you put the meat on or spritzed or whatever and you can save pictures to the cook as well. The guru was state of the art 10 years ago but..
  3. Both. My son is into cheese and I'd like to try smoking that as well as trying my hand at bacon and salmon. I like my brisket smoky and I was thinking I might be able to give steaks a little intense smoke before I do a sear. I obviously haven't played with it but I'm hoping you can control the quantity of smoke a little better with the gun vs tossing random chunks in the fire. Pellets are also plentiful and cheap fuel K
  4. Got the gun working. For those who are curious Main came in several parts bottom Top (with handle labelled "hot") Main body (metallic cylinder) Smoking port (Thicker tube with mesh) Aquarium pump adapter To assemble Twist lock the bottom to the body Place the smoking port through the larger hole in the bracket about 3" from the bottom and into the body mesh side down. This is also locked in place on the back wall with a twist Screw the pump adapter into the nut on the back side of the body attach the pump tubing to the adapter I did not light mine as I need to get a extension cord for the pump but it looks "right" to me. I follow with some pics when I'm sure its working P
  5. Tony, Thanks for the reply. I do indeed have a 32" and I have the smoker port as I had to clarify that prior to ordering the gun. The gun came with the aquarium pump. If I have trouble I'll let you know but I'm hoping its straight forward enough. P PS-I'll get some pics up soon
  6. After a long delay due to construction I finally have my komodo in place. Looks great. I have a couple of quick questions before I fire it up 1) It looks like there are several heat shields in the crate but my research suggests I don't need it. I can either use the basket splitter and cook on the indirect side or I can wrap a grate in foil. 2) How do you assemble and use (ignite and attach) the smoke gun. Mine did not come with any instructions and the website only has a 17 second video showing it in action 3) How do you get activated for the owners forum. I sent my user id but I don't seen any new areas to the forum Thanks P
  7. Thanks for the kind thoughts. In a ironic twist the only damage we took from Dorian is when a branch came off and hit my current grill ripping the handle off. I guess someone else thought it was time for a new grill 😉
  8. Thanks to everyone for all the advice. I just bought a 32BB. Went with 1. Basket splitter 2. Roti basket plus the reducers( you need these to cook items smaller than a piglet) 3. Cold smoker 4. Bread stone 5. Cocochar and some coffee wood should be here just in time to do little grilling after cleaning up from the hurricane. Dorian should be a hitting us tomorrow some time. thanks again K
  9. Thanks for all the replies. Paul- I actually saw that thread on the 3 chickens. Pretty impressive (although that pic of the 42 swallowing three with room to spare was frankly scary 😀) Based on the design I assume you can't use the smoker and a bbqguru at the same time as they use the same port Definitely planning on doing the duck indirect. I had a little inferno once with a duck directly over the flames K
  10. How big is the rotisserie basket? I was mostly interested in using this for duck. Do you guys have problems with mold when using the cover. I used to keep my current kamado covered but the inside would get incredibly moldy within a couple of days. I stopped using the cover so there was some airflow and I never had a problem again. The kamado will be in a covered area so it will not get any rain but it will be near the ocean. Does everyone agree the basket splitter is a must have?
  11. I've been doing some research and I'm strongly considering a BB32. I've looked at some other threads on this topic but they refer to the smaller model. Based on the other threads the things I should get are 1)the basket splitter both for two zone cooking but also for smaller Cooks in general 2) as much cocochar as I can stuff on my pallet I already have a cyberguru that I really like. I'm strongly considering the smoker as I'm intreagued by the idea of cold smoking fish and or bacon. Has anybody used the rotisserie basket? Any other must have accessories?
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