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About CampCreekCooker

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    Junior Member


  • Location
    College Staion, TX
  1. New member and KK owner I got my KK the first of July and have been enjoying it emenssely. Maybe I was just lucky but the first charcoal I tried was Kingsford Charwood and I have have great success. Nice uniform chunks and low ash. I posted about problems keeping temps down with the Stoker and will try the tips I received this weekend. One of my best efforts was a turkey that I brined using a recipe from the food channel and then roasted it on the KK just as if it were in the oven. 450 degrees for 30 minuted and then down to 350 for a total of 2-1/2 hours. Perfect! I love the KK. I cook every weekend and keep my family and other relatives supplied with great BBQ
  2. My temps are running higher than I'd like and won't drop down. Should I close the top cap almost completely? Before I got the Stoker I could hold 220 degrees and now its 250-270 minimum
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