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Mark Jacobs

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Mark Jacobs last won the day on December 24 2024

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  1. Costco had lots of them just before Christmas. $2.99/lb
  2. First time. It vastly exceeded my wife's expectations. A simple honey bbq rub was applied.
  3. Very nicely. I started the cook about 11:00pm, left it alone overnight at about 200-225. Raised the heat to 240 early morning. Wrapped it in butcher paper when it hit 168 internal, stayed on the smoker for another few hours until it was probe tender about 200-205. Moist and smokey.
  4. Smoked a 9 pound prime brisket today. A little over 12 hours for the cook.
  5. Here’s what I put in the drip pan that was under the turkey to make the gravy. Turkey parts, onions, carrots, celery, chicken stock. The turkey parts were browned first and the pan deglazed with the chicken stock. Once the turkey was done the remaining liquids in the drip pan was poured into a saucier and reduced. Right before serving I added a roux. Most delicious gravy I’ve ever had.
  6. The sugar in the rub got a little burnt but the meat was totally delicious.
  7. The drip pan under the turkey is filled with chicken stock, turkey parts, onions, carrots and celery. We’ll use that as the base of our gravy.
  8. The turkey was dry brined overnight, rub applied mid-morning and just went on the KK BB 32. I'll let y'all know how it looks and tastes when it's done.
  9. I started by dry brining the four steaks that I cut from a Picahna that I bought from Costco on Friday. My cook used a half basket of charcoal, cranked the heat up to about 400 and started the cook on the indirect side until it reached an internal temperature of about 110-115 degrees. Then I moved them over to the hot side and finished cooking to get a nice sear and render the fat cap. Target eating temperature was about 130 for a nice medium rare.
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