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Mrs. T Rex

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Posts posted by Mrs. T Rex

  1. We are thinking of making our second pizza attempt on the KK and I was hoping someone could share or point me in the right direction for a pizza dough recipe that is not overly challenging and "T Rex" foolproof....


    Mrs. T Rex

  2. Very nice, nothing beats fresh herbs grown organically. For some reason I have not been able to grow Dill on the Island, which is a must with all of the salmon we eat.

    Most of my herbs are growing on a little covered deck we have at the back of the house which faces South and gets lots of sunlight. It is very accessible from the dining room french doors and being covered even T Rex will gather some up for me, even if it is raining, if I ask him nicely.

    T doesn't know it yet but I have a couple of things that I want done before he has to put his carpentry skills (or lack thereof) to work.

    Mrs. T Rex

  3. Thank you Dennis for the kind words, that is so gracious of you! I have very much enjoyed the Forum and the KK, not having regretted our decision to buy a KK for one minute.

    I have been spending quite a bit of time lately at the stable with my horses so I apologize for not thanking you for your kind words sooner. T Rex has his mother joining us for dinner tonight, so the KK will be fired up. I believe T is planning on ribs, yams and baked beans. My undertaking will be a nice salad, dessert and choosing the wine for dinner.

    Before I forget, Happy Mother's day to all the ladies on the Forum.

    Thanks again,

    Mrs. T Rex

  4. Thanks Conodo

    You should of heard me swear trying to get the damn pie in a proper shape........... :( but T Rex insisted it looked perfectly fine, and who am I to argue with T Rex...... :D:D

    Looks "rustic" to me and tasted as good as T said.

    Mrs. T Rex

    PS Got the Avatar up and running, Whoo Hoo! :)

  5. Well, this is my first post on this Forum............ and timely if I may say so myself.

    T Rex is well on the way to a 'run away" and the ribs are still on the KK. According to T, Dennis is responsible for the outcome of dinner so I guess I will just sit back (with a glass of Amorone and see where things go from here)

    Mrs. T Rex

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