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Everything posted by smokincyclist

  1. Re: SF Bay Area Buy Here I am, late to the party as usual. I did just purchase 3 boxes, but found I grossly underestimated my needs. If there is a possibility of adding 5 boxes to the order, that would be just swell, but I do not want to complicate things. If the order is already a go, I will wait for the next shipment. I am in Fremont, which makes going to Pleasanton a slam dunk. Rob
  2. Re: To Rotis or Not To Rotis The Stoker does not have a plug. I was interested in buying the new wi-fi unit, and I called Stoker to see if with the flap down on the blower whether the KK became airtight. They said there is still a gap, and recommended a silicone plug. Anyone out there know where to buy such a plug? If a member sells such a plug, please contact me. Rob
  3. Re: Newbie 101 I have to say that the support group here is incredible. I went away for a couple of days to my daughters graduation from college and I come back to a wealth of information. I, like probably every other KK owner, perused the forum at great length to be ready when my KK arrived, and I will continue to seek great wisdom on this site. I appreciate the info on just basic grilling on the KK, and look forward to doing a long slow cook next week. I think the guru/stoker purchase is still out there until I get the basic skills under control, but what a cool purchase it will be. Geekdom is something to aspire to. A concern I do have is that, as Dennis put it, I will not look like I am doing anything with the KK because it does the work so well and my guests will think I am faking it. That's okay because my guests always thought I was a good faker. (no comments from the peanut gallery on this statement). I look forward to reading for more basic recipes which are already posted, and any additional basics you may have. Thanks for your great comments.
  4. First a confession. I have never used charcoal. I come from the propane side where flavors are controlled by what you put on the food, not how you cook it. I don't have forever left in my life to mess around with different charcoal cookers, so after reading and researching I found KK, ordered, and took delivery of the KK this Tuesday. It was raining, so I wussed out until today to do my first cook. By the way, I did use the forearm forklifts to lift up the KK with my wife and moved it off the pallet, but I would recommend a third person just in case things get caught up (which happened with the rope) The forum is chock full of experiences and is a wealth of information for the experienced cook. I just want to learn how to cook basic and build up from there. So tonight I threw on some chicken breasts, used all of your groups expertise on controlling temperature and voila, an incredible juicy and tender chicken breast sans sauce. I wanted to get an idea of what the KK can do before I started adding flavors. I cooked on direct heat, but should have flipped the bird (pun intended) because the skin did not look attractive. So my reach out is to have a topic with basic cooking, before you get to the real esoteric cooks. I have seen Firemonkey's video and feel confident I can cook a steak, but cooking the perfect hamburger seem to be somewhat of a mystery. Any recipe advise for a beginner like me would be most welcome. e.g. cook hamburgers at 450 on main grill, don't cook macaroni on the grill without a container. I just want to avoid as many learning mistakes that you have all had as you got to your levels of expertise. I see lots of postings where the first cook on a KK is a pork shoulder, and here I am just at the chicken boob level. I admit it, I don't deserve a KK, but I hope to be able over the next several months to get there with your help.
  5. Re: I'm STOKED!!! Congratulations on your big purchase. My KK is arriving tomorrow and I plan on using the Forearm forklift straps instead of the 2X4 method (which does require padding between the wood and the KK). I will be taking off the top of the KK to reduce the weight, and then we shall see if I can create a new hernia for myself. I will let you know how it goes. There was a previous posting for the forearm forklifts (as seen on TV) on this forum, and it looked like it will work. Rob
  6. Re: Three Extruder Machines are in the House! Dennis, me too, me too! I am also in the NorCal area (and expecting to birth a brand new KK in the next week). Thanks
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