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Everything posted by Skkyhawke2

  1. Is it remotely feasible to consider using 1 or 2 larger KK's for food production in a restaurant? I read where someone said figure on about 60 lbs of meat for 120 people. 120 people is a fair amount of folks served in an average restaurant's day. If that many. I can only guess there are probably more affordable routes to take for commercial food production. If one offers ribs, chicken and pork that's a bunch of grill space needed for that kind of output. Trying to offer something unique and different than the typical BBQ place offers other than the giant black metal cooker parked out front burning tons of wood. Which brings us to second point. Would charcoal cooking make food production cost prohibitive? Unless they come up with a really huge KK this may be all up in smoke, excuse pun. Problem is if you had a KK big enough for commercial cooking you probably couldn't lift the lid. ANy ideas or any experience with commercial food production on the KK? Many thanks.
  2. Re: Marietta, GA pallet share Care to share your email so I can contact you about this? Can determine cost vs pallet sharing. My son lives in ATL so I could get him to pick it up for me. I live on coastal GA so he could bring it on his next visit.
  3. Re: Newbie question: Difference of KK and BGE Thank you all. Time to start saving pennies.
  4. Not to start a war here. Simply asking a question. Other than the obvious design differences and choices what is the real differences between a KK and a BGE. NOT defending BGE or any other brand. Simply asking out of real lack of knowledge. Thanks for patience and kindness in answering this question.
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