Wasn't it Porkchop who had that video or gif of a backdraft? That was a good lesson video.
Ugh. COMPLETE rookie mistake. I confess, I did it.
Can't you tell by the singed eyebrows, missing lashes, and strangely short bangs? And blotchy forearm hairs? Yah, I thought you could. Ugh. I had the cooker closed to store the heat, rather than just burn hot. I was planning a pizza cook, so wanted the thermal mass, or whatever. Anyway, lost my mind and OPENED the cooker without burping or opening vents first. DO NOT do that. NO NO.
WHOOSH!! Well, you know how it goes. Fortunately, I can laugh, because I wasn't really hurt. My polar fleece shirt got a bit melted (not soft anymore), and I singed some facial hair. Otherwise shamefaced, but fine.
What's your method to burp the cooker? Do you open the lid a bit to let air in? Open the vents? What?