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Tator Salad!

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The best tater salad I have ever had!

1 cup real mayo (I like Dukes - no salad dressing mayo or Miracle Whip here)

2 Tbsp cane sugar

1 Tbsp cider vinegar

1 Tbsp Creole mustard

1 Tbsp prepared mustard (standard stuff)

1 tsp dry mustard

1 Tbsp fresh ground pepper

1-2 tsp salt (to taste)

1/4 tsp celery seed

1/2 tsp dill weed

1 Tbsp fresh onion pureed

1 Tbsp fresh celery pureed

1 Tbsp pickle relish pureed

3-4 Potatoes (diced in hunks)

Boiled egg (chopped) optional

Bacon (chopped) optional

First off, let me explain the pureed vegetables. I am not a big fan crunchy potato salad, but I love the flavor of celery and onion in the salad. If you puree these items, the flavor is really concentrated so only a small amount it needed. So mix all items except potatoes in a bowl and set in fridge for an hour or so. Boil potatoes (in stock for extra flavor) till the desired tenderness is reached, place in colander and rinse with cold water to stop the cooking process (otherwise potatoes will mush up). Then mix sauce with potatoes and allow to sit in fridge for an hour so the season can blend.

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