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Roti operation

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After a couple years of working on gettting my roti to work properly, perhaps someone can help. First i had the problem of the arms would not hold the food in the cradle. Dennis took care of this by sending me new arm attachments that will hold the food now, getting better eh? Now when i try to use the roti, it make about a half turn or less then "spins freely and stops for a second or two, then the roti catches up and begins to turn the food again for less than a half turn again, then spins freely again, etc etc. So in other words i still cant use it. Anyone have this issue and know of a fix??

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Re: Roti operation

This happened to me also. Dennis has a fix. I believe the roti shaft has to be replaced. This is a minor and quick fix. Ask Dennis.. It was two years ago, can't find my emails but easily fixed


I found email

"You need to tighten the square rod into the cradle with some vice grips.

Please tell me if you would like one of the adjustable roti shafts.."

So tighten the end of the roti shaft. I think I got the adjustable shafts too.

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Re: Roti operation

Mad Medic,

Would you mind describing an "adjustable shaft"? My roti operation experience has not been up to the standards experienced with the other features of the KK. My plan is (the next time I use the roti) to document my problems and send the info to Dennis for his review and comment.

I had just not seen the adjustable shaft referred to before, so was curious.



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