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Posts posted by paul1927

  1. Oh, the lady goes into the neighbor's backyard to retrieve her tortoise and that resulted in a mini drama later in the day. :shock: I hear pounding on my door and think OH NO, the cops have mistaken me for my neighbor. (The DEA has shown in force a few times even with guns drawn.) Fortunately, it was the neighbor where the tortoise has been hanging out. And, she wasn't a happy camper. She got a call at her work from her young daughter who was quite distraught that Polka Dot (the tortoise) was being stolen. At first the mom told her nobody wants to steal your turtle, but the little girl told her NO, I saw Polka Dot being taken by a woman. Anyway, my unhappy neighbor wanted to know what the hell was going on and who the woman was and why did she steal Polka Dot, etc. etc. etc. :roll:

    The other lady offered up a rabbit as compensation, but upset neighbor says NO, we like tortoises. :P I like tortoises, also. :P I rode one when I was four or five and those gigantic tortoises are so gentle and so cute.

  2. I think it is normal for a low income area in a major city. :wink:

    The best is the neighbor who had this highly attractive young girl attacking his home with an axe. I was looking at her thinking man that guy knows what the hell he is doing. He's convinced that Jesus sent the girl to attack him and couldn't believe that I didn't see the obvious message.

    Sort of afraid to him give a taste of ribs. :wink: But, his new girlfriend an older mom like person went ga ga over the Q. She wanted to BUY BUY BUY and then her boyfriend spoke up and says NO you don't want to buy----he's more than a little crazy! She says what do mean?--he seems normal to me. The boyfriend says I wouldn't be surprised if he paid over $1,000 for that grill. The girlfriend looks over at me and I nod YES. :) She clutches her heart and says she didn't realize that I was a millionaire. :eek:

  3. I found a tortoise some months ago and put her (she laid an egg in my neighbor's yard) in my backyard. A couple days ago the neighbor kid is yelling and knocking on my door. He says I have a $5,000 turtle (the one I found months earlier) and we have to find it. I say good luck because I hadn't seen the tortoise since I put her back there. Anyway we look and look and NO tortoise.

    I know some turtles make a fantastic meal; what about the tortoise on the Q? Too cute to eat. :)

    A lady practically in tears shows up at my door the next day and she wants the return of her tortoise. I explain that I think the tortoise is gone and with that she starts crying. Then she wants to look in my backyard and I say fine. Miracle of miracles after looking everywhere in my yard she spots her eating a mango in the next door neighbor's backyard. :)

    As she was leaving she spots the classic Q and goes WOW! I want to BUY that! I have to remind her about the tortoise. :) BTW, I learned that she bought the tortoise for a $100 some years back from an inheritance. As far as her buying a classic Q or any Q that seems highly unlikely as she can't even afford to fix her badly leaking roof or at least she doesn't see the value in fixing it. I would love to see the neighborhood fill up with Qs. :)

  4. Re: Chinese style ducks

    A friend' date=' the owner of a Chinese restaurant, described his duck recipe to me once. Peking style duck (the recipe, not the bird) involves [b']inflating the duck with air and roasting it, so the skin is thin and crispy and the fat renders out. Part of getting the skin crispy is that it fries in the rendering fat, as the duck roasts.

    That's interesting.

  5. No, but I'm eager to try. :)

    "The way kangaroo meat is aged can also have a huge impact on taste. Young meat with 1 to 3 weeks from killing can have a subtle flavour making it " www.benjaminchristie.com/article/233/ho ... t-properly

    Young lamb cooked properly (like grandma did or the local greek fast food joint) is a real treat. Improperly cooked i.e. the way I used to do it, it isn't fit for human consumption. Old lamb (mutton) I believe is revolting NO matter what you do with it. Bottom line that kangaroo looks like its fit for the Q. :wink:

    Similarly, young lychee fruit -a little unripe- is fantastic. I have 3 large trees and would like more. Old lychee fruit, some asians I met actually don't like young lychee, is the holy grail for some. They want it old. For me, I can't even hold old in my mouth. I talked to some American lychee growers and none can understand how anyone can eat old lychee. My body starts heaving--it is bad. Meanwhile the asians I had met were eagerly eating my old lychee fruit which I was happy to give to them. My next door neighbor also loves the old lychee fruit--she can't stomach the young lychee fruit, btw. I've tried it -old lychee- more than a few times; it causes immediate heaving. :(

    Total brain food? Longans. WOW!!! I'm eating them and eating them and thinking NO big deal, I wonder what the asians were raving about? Then BOOM it hits me! These Longans are unbelieveably complex tasting. Each one is different and fantastic with hundreds of flavors--no other fruit like it in my experience. It just took me about 30 Longans for it to get thru my thick skull. Meanwhile, my barber tried 1 Longan and his eyes just lit up. He doesn't care for fruit usually. He stripped my entire tree and then came back the next day asking for more. I told him you took every last longan I had. He said you don't have anymore in back? NO! He says oh no, I think I'm addicted to them. I say too bad because they're fairly rare around these parts. He was one unhappy camper.

  6. Boy That Looks Mouth Watering . . .

    I never heard of the cut. I love sirloin, and have gotten very lucky buying the whole Angus sirloin at $2.99 a pound-- I cut it up into steaks and grill at around 600 or better 700 degrees. On sale the sirloin steak is about $5 a pound over here (Miami, Winn Dixie) so I switched to cheaper cuts, but I don't miss the steaks because everything is coming out wonderful. Brownies came out nice and smokey. :) But, I have made any because I'm gaining too much weight.

    I still think the Q is made for Woking--just need the right gimmick. A long handled tool that would make handling a cast iron wok easy. BTW, although it takes more strength than I have woked vegetables are absolutely delicious. And, I'm not usually one for vegetables. Many years ago The Wall Street Journal did a very nice piece on why wok cooking hasn't become a fast food staple. The main problem is the high heat required to effectively cook with the wok makes it difficult and dangerous. I definitely agree on both counts.

    The Q has the high heat. It should be a natural.

  7. She bought a Q on taste alone. In my book that equals a A+++ :)

    Dude, you gotta marry her, sounds like she did a voodoo love spell thingee on you or something. :smt057

    I had to laugh when I read that. :) You'd probably get along great with my friend's wife. (The two women can't stand to be in the same room.) But, she thinks I should be getting marriage benefits sans marriage. :roll:

    Anyway, now she is talking about keeping the Q in her garage to protect it (the ultimate cover? :wink: ) and eliminate the need to try an move it to the back yard. I told her that it is very easy if she gets the plywood.

    Actually, I'm just as bad. When I first got my Q, I didn't want to cook on it because I wanted to keep it in mint condition. :) Solution: Simple a showroom Q for public display and a hidden working Q. ;)

    If she decides the Q does leave the garage, then I'll let her know about Johnny's Jammies. 8) Or, maybe Dennis can start building tiled temples for the Q. ;)

  8. Remember that silly saying about if you have to ask, then you can't afford it? Even though the cover wouldn't be for me that's the way I feel.

    Also, she is difficult to get a hold of and she doesn't really surf the internet. She sounds like she really wants one, but would probably gasp at the price. Who knows, maybe I can show her his site and then get her to email him.

    I'm going to see if a laundry bag would make her happy--she purchased the Supreme Classic, with its dome shape it should be easier to fit with a plain old bag.

    Yeah, I'm with you on this one. From what I've heard of her, I'd say put her in a laundry bag and throw her in the Miami river.

    She bought a Q on taste alone. In my book that equals a A+++ :)

  9. Remember that silly saying about if you have to ask, then you can't afford it? Even though the cover wouldn't be for me that's the way I feel.

    Also, she is difficult to get a hold of and she doesn't really surf the internet. She sounds like she really wants one, but would probably gasp at the price. Who knows, maybe I can show her his site and then get her to email him.

    I'm going to see if a laundry bag would make her happy--she purchased the Supreme Classic, with its dome shape it should be easier to fit with a plain old bag.

  10. That is interesting. I wouldn't have thought about cooking potatoes in pine tar. You need to purchase 10 to 25 pounds of pine tar?

    Where/how did you learn about this? Do you cook anything else in pine tar?

    Apparently the answer is Yes you do need a lot of pine tar. Here is a link to more on the subject:

    http://www.reviewjournal.com/lvrj_home/ ... 01748.html

    Anyway, sounds delicious but I can see my self spending tha type of money for the resin. Perhaps for a super special occasion.

    Tin foil (re: linked article herein) doesn't help cook potatoes??? I was having real difficulty cooking potatoes on the Q until I wrapped them in foil and then they cooked beautifully. That seems like proof in pudding to me, but . . .

  11. Suggestion: Include 1 Free Box of Extruded Coconut Charcoal with each Q. :smt048

    For low slow cooking on the Q I think the extruded coconut is special; especially for the newbie. Now if the person is going for hot and fast, then I think pretty much any fuel will do.

    I think pretty much everyone has been successful right off the bat with their Qs so perhaps this is just an unnessary and unneeded cost.


  12. Essentially She Bought on Taste Without Ever Seeing the Q

    It's funny after trying my ribs she tells me she wants to buy my grill (Q). Because I don't think like that (I would need to see it and do some research, etc.) it was just a big joke and compliment to me. Now, I learn she was actually serious. Also, there was a little bit of a communication problem. She said she wanted to buy MY grill (Q); not that she wanted to know where or how to buy one for herself. So naturally I got a little overprotective of my Q. :wink:

    And, I think she took me seriously when I told her she wouldn't even get to see my grill. I had thought that my joking was self evident. It is still difficult for me to think ok you like a meal and that equals a solid desire to buy without even seeing the proverbial pig? I need work on being more open minded. :)

    Another happy camper said just let 'em taste the food and Qs sell themselves. Apparently taste buds alone can lead to a sale.

  13. Some months back I gave my neighbor a small sample of ribs that I made on the Q. She wasn't into meat and that is one of the reasons it was just a small sample. So she tells me the ribs are the best she has ever eaten and she wanted to know what I did. I explained that all the credit went to the Q that Dennis makes and that my ribs were poor in every way before I bought the Q. She says I WANT TO BUY YOUR Q. I laugh and say you're not even going to get a peek a my Q let alone buy it! I thought she was just joking and was having a little fun back. Remember she is supposed to be more of a salad person and not a meat eater. She mentioned how fantastic my ribs were from time to time, but I didn't pay it too much attention because I was so busy trying to secure my home from possible intruders (like the crack addict).

    Anyway, she wanted me to do something for her and I said no because I think my BBQ grill will be coming in. She says what are you talking about? You already have a grill and make fantastic ribs with it. I say I'm getting a 2nd one. She says the same kind? I say yes, but a better model. Now she wants one too. I think she is joking, but NO she says she is serious. I tell her it is over a $1000 and rising quickly plus shipping and that makes her take a gulp. She's never seen my Q and just knows of it from the ribs she fell in love with. :D

    She still wants to buy, but only if it is the one that can cook the ribs. I tell her that's the one. When I show the picture of her would be Q she is in love with the way it looks and the beautiful tiles and wants to know the price. When I told her the price she took another gulp. I said he keeps improving the product, the dollar is collapsing, and the bottom line is the price is rising. Then she is concerned that it is coming from somebody overseas and I tell her that Dennis has been more than fair with me when he could of just taken the money an run. That impressed her and then she was just worried about shipping time.

    I think she is going to be a very happy camper. :)

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