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Everything posted by robsan19

  1. I searched the store and did not find the Drumstick rack. Where did you get it?
  2. I would suggest using a shop vac to clean out the ashes. I usually remove the lump basket and grills and suck the ashes from the top. Easy peasy.
  3. Dennis, you are wise beyond your years I didn't notice the EZ Que info on the end. That really makes me wonder even more as to why EZ Que wouldn't have their own product available while Viking does.
  4. 8" Basket I am impressed with Viking Range and their rotisserie Basket. Yesterday I got confirmation from UPS that they had received electronic notification from Viking of a shipment, and the package arrived today! Dennis' parts screw in as designed, and I think the basket looks a little better quality than the EZ Que Basket. I am a happy camper!
  5. Re: "8" Baskets By June Long story short, called EZ Que today, was told 8" basket would be available in 8 weeks! Their product is the definition of vaporware if I ever heard of one. Contacted Viking Range as suggested in another post, ordered the 8" basket and it's on the way. Hopefully, the bqrb308t model works like I was told. More information once it arrives.
  6. "8" Baskets By June June came and went. I called about ordering the "6" &"8" combo for the KK and was told again the "8" is NOT available and won't be for about 6 weeks! They suggested that I order the "6" and when the "8" is available they would sell me one for the difference between the Combo and "6" price. I'll believe it when I see it, I've had emails and phone calls for over a year concerning the Combo package and they are always out of stock, or it will be in soon. Hope the "8" isn't vaporware cause I'm doing a 10 pound turkey today on the "6" EZ Que, wanted the "8" for them.
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