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Everything posted by Linda

  1. Central coast of CA...half way between SF and LA. Durn near paradise.
  2. I posted this elsewhere on the forum, but just found this photo section, so here he is again. I may be prejudice, but I think he's awfully handsome sitting there next to the waterfalls. Linda
  3. A friend and landscape architect here on the central coast designed the fountain. The tub is made of "corten" steel, so it rusts and then "sets" with that patina. I had fun picking out tile colors starting with a KK color. The backsplash on the waterfalls is in frosted glass to look more like the seaglass I like to collect. Don't know about the power to run the fountain, but it is recirculating and is powered by a pool pump! I also put in a fire "table" with tumbled glass to try and emulate that same look. Here's a close up of it during the day: A night shot with the lights and fire table going: And the whole patio shot from the kitchen doorway. The fire table is at the far end. I've got a whole new room to enjoy, and with our mild winters here, and a good fire in the fire pit, I can be out all evening! Enjoy the photos, I'm going to go eat some leftovers!
  4. Hi again everyone. Hopefully this wil work...it's a photo of my new cooker, "Felix", in my new backyard. Isn't he gorgeous?? And he's done his slow cook as a break in (no meat involved) at about 300 for several hours. Then I cranked it up and threw the proverbial steak on the barbe...yum. I used the last of my "Calitalia Vino Rosso Berry Chipotle Grilling Sauce". Gotta order some more! Thanks to Jasen for his help getting me ImageShack literate. Linda
  5. I'll post a photo in a day or two....seems they want to make sure I won't go nuclear
  6. Thanks everyone.... Trish has even been over to visit and see my new baby! I did get the 12" small load ring shipped with my Supreme. I'll see if I use it inside the cooker or as you do, Fletch! Now that I know for sure where that the thermometer is the right one, I'll have to ream out the hole just a bit. Right now the tip doesn't make it past the inside edge of the ceramic. I"ll post a photo once I'm 2 days onto the forum and "legit". I just tried and was denied for a couple of days. I'm sure I'll have more questions soon enough! L
  7. Hi, I'm Linda from Morro Bay and received my VERY first cooker (a KK OTB Supreme) just a week ago. Yep, I waited to start with the best! I'd love to have a forum topic for some really basic questions.... you know, those dumb ones we don't want to ask. For example: Is the meat thermometer I was sent in a separate shipment the ones that goes in the lid to measure the inside temp? If not, where do I get the right one? -or-- What is that 1/2 inch sized hole in the right side near the top of the base there for? --or-- How do I best set the charcoal using the 2 racks/trays (whatever you call them) provided if I'm just grilling a steak. What's that ring thing for anyway?? And finally, how about a set of photos for each item shipped with the KK, and a description of what it is and where to best use it. Thanks for helping me to get started. Any answers to the above are much appreciated.
  8. Re: Pizza stone.. Ah ha....so the flat ceramic I got with my new KK (arrived Oct 10th) was the Heat deflector and NOT the pizza stone??
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