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About Pyrophoria

  • Rank
    Junior Member
  • Birthday 10/28/1956


  • Location
    South Central, PA
  • Interests
    Photography, Gardening
  • Occupation
    Electrical Controls Engineer
  1. Re: Wash DC area pallet share I am interested in a pallet share. Let me know if there is still time.
  2. Re: Three Extruder Machines are in the House! Paswesley, I live near Gettysburg, PA and would be interested in a pallet share. It appears that your name is already on the waiting list. So if you think that you may be getting enough to go around, count me in.
  3. Re: Holding low temps Thanks guys. From looking at your replies, I believe the problem might be that I am lighting too much charcoal to start. Thanks again.
  4. I just got my new KK positioned on my deck and am having difficulty keeping the dome temp below 300 degrees. The lid seems to be sitting correctly; there is an even gap of about 3/16" along the interface between lid and body. I am not using a stoker, so I inserted a 8-32 screw into the opening in the polder port plug. The top damper was only open about 1/2 turn initially, and the draft door was closed, with the daisy wheel open about 3/16". After the temp passed 300, I closed the top damper and the daisy wheel. Three hours later the temp is 380. I,ve seen posts where someone was having trouble geting over 300 degrees. It seems I have the opposite problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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