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Everything posted by Dsorgnzd

  1. Re: We are all OK.. Dennis - I just found your forum last night - and this morning I see that Merapi did erupt. I hope all is well with you and your company and people. FWIW, your forum is now on my list of bookmarks, displacing a former link to Mexi-K. I've met a couple of true believers, and the Mexi-K's really were impressive (to look at), but if/when I get the chance to move up to a ceramic cooker, yours will be the one. In the meantime, thanks for welcoming everyone (I cook on a WSM, and love it for what it is, within its limitations) and not bad-mouthing any other products. Product quality tends to speak for itself, and I tend to get suspicious when someone has to criticize the competition, instead of putting out a top-quality product and letting the consumer make his/her own judgment.
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