I tried those but they didn't work for me primarily because the fire emanates from one small area causing the fire to burn unevenly. With most torches you can light the charcoal more homogenously. To each his own.
That's one of the reasons I use my weed burner and it's much faster than a MAPP torch, 10-15 seconds for a full load on my 32". Mine was $40 delivered from Amazon and is 500,000 BTU, vs MAPP 13,000, so no wonder it's faster.
Very good thread. I've got 300-600 degrees down for short to medium time cooks, but I'd like some advice for a pork shoulder 15 hour cook at 225 degrees. Specifically, since it'll be an overnight cook and I don't want to have to add charcoal every couple hours, how much charcoal is needed and should it be layered with unlit charcoal? What vent configuration is optimal? I have a dual lower vent 32BB. Thanks.
Thanks Robert. I purchased my Komodo a year ago and CyberQ has two versions one for old Kamodos and one for new. Is there a way to tell which CyberQ to purchase?
I'm in the same boat as skypalace. KCBS is running a special on the CyberQ Cloud for $299. What are your thoughts on that vs. the Flame Boss and Fireboard? Thanks.