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Status Replies posted by 5698k

  1. Did the "Curing Process" today. I wanted to avoid, as much as possible, any chance of bubbling or tile lifting. So I took 11-hours, and waited for the venting to stop before moving up to higher temperatures. I finished with several hours at 600*, and had only a very slight scent when I finally shut it down. I found the process gave me lots of time to just relax and enjoy being outside. No problem at all.

    1. 5698k


      Nuthin to it. 

  2. Got a phone call earlier today... My KK is arriving early, and will be delivered tomorrow (Thursday) between 10:00~2:00. Can you say "EXCITED"?! I already had a ramp that I had made to the height needed to go up/down the two short steps involved in getting it through the house, and made a "dry run" leap-frogging scrap plywood I cut to cover the flooring as I move that 600 pound beauty through the house. Can't wait!





    1. 5698k


      Looks like you're ready to go! It's amazing what proper preparation can do!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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