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Everything posted by FauxDs121

  1. Dennis posts: " As I said, I'm actually in the happiness business " Dennis....The happiness business sounds very interesting.
  2. dipstick Sanny....I could not have said it better What ya got to say now caveman? Miss me?
  3. lower grill cleats Tony...thanks for the answer. Yet another example of how much better the mechanical design is on the Komado. That eliminates the need for the Kamado lower bracket accessory and should be factored into the cost comparison that has been running by Porkchop I think. I'm so mesmerized by his avatar I sometimes forget what he posts Maybe he has already factored that in.
  4. cleaning tips Those ribs looked great and the rib rack is very impressive. On another note, I don't see a lower bracket accessory. Is there a ledge on the inner wall to support a lower grill?
  5. positive forum posts This is great hearing details about arrivals, how happy the buyer is, the supportive comments from the other forum participants, and more than favorable comparison/evaluation of the product and the service. It seems clear to me which bbq is the better choice.
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