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UPDATE: July 22nd- Charcoal in the Warehouse

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July 22nd- Charcoal in the Warehouse - Double ARGH!

Talk about disappointing.. I've been writing the warehouse and impatiently waiting for it to clear customs and be delivered to the warehouse so I can start sending it out.

After not getting replies to my last two emails I sent one in CAPS to the boss and everybody in the office asking for a reply only to be told it's been sitting there since the 17th! Double ARGH!

Hopefully they can get the palettes shrink wrapped to go out tomorrow..

These deliveries are also a great way to save in getting accessories delivered. Need a stainless shielded heat deflector, drip pan or upgrade to some 3/8" grills? Just say the word, I'll get them shrink wrapped with the load..


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July 26th - 25% SOLD

I just wanted to let it be know that 25% of this container has been sold.

Not a bad start for this new facet of KOmodo's business. This gives me the green light to explore different avenues in the charcoal business. I can promise you new flavor profiles as well as better ways to bring you quality product consistently.

Thank you all for your support.


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