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First cook - Costco pre-marinaded pork tenderloin

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Kind of a small first cook - and not the standard pork butt. Still, it came out very well. The most disappointing thing was that I didn't get to DO anything but wait. The ECC was a bit tough to light, but a chimney starter and a few sheets of a catalog got things going. Once I got to about 300 I cut down the air supply (blasting "All Out of Love" was getting annoying :)) and things settled to 325 for most of the cook. After a while I decided temps weren't climbing in the meat fast enough so I decided to up things to 350-375, sure enough the next time I checked on things temps had climbed to about 360. Near the end new bits of charcoal must have lit, or the drippings, but it could also have read my mind once again. I cooked direct on the main grill for roughly three hours on the 4.23lb tenderloin to get to about 160 internal temps. The hardest part was not peeking - and it paid off. Some bits even stuck to the grill for me - I love the cook's payment! :)

Sorry, too excited to remember the before shot, but here's a during:


I didn't use the Stoker this time around so that's my Maverick hanging off the right side. The neighbors must think I'm crazy, wandering in and out to cook stuff in the cold, dark night:


Here's the finished product:


Mmm... The best part!


Sliced and ready to eat (this is about half of the tenderloin):


The only problem is that my wife was a bit slow to make the asparagus side so it got a bit cold and dry between slicing (very moist and tender!) and eating (only as good as the best I've cooked in an oven), live and learn.

I'm thinking turkey tomorrow :)

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