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Delicious burgers

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Hi All,

Next time your at the butcher ask them to coarsely grind some skirt steak for burgers. My local Mexican market has it for pretty cheap (<$4/lb)

Take the meat home and salt it liberally with some coarse salt and gently toss it with your fingers. Then lay down some parchment and pile 8oz of the ground meat in a pile and gently press down forming it into a patty. Refrigerate for 20 minutes or so to let them set up and then put them on the grill. You need to treat these burgers GENTLY otherwise they'll fall apart. Once cooked on one side use a spatula to flip them and then wait until the desired doneness is achieved. Let them rest for 5 minutes and place on your favorite bun. Tons of flavor and a nice change to the usual pre-ground beef.

I still have a pound left over so the next time I do it I'll take some photos.


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A week or so ago I did some Bison burgers. Our local supermarkets sell the meat in16 ounce shrink wrapped containers, just the right size for two really good sized patties. I devour one on a nice sourdough roll, while my wife manages to eke two meals out of hers, taking the uneaten leftover part of her patty to work for the next day's lunch.

Best burger I have had anywhere, bar none. Just a tablespoon or two of Dale's sauce, salt n pepper, then seared to perfection.

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OK, did the burgers again a few days ago but just got around to posting pics.

Here are 4 piles of meat piled in 6oz portions,


GINERGERLY press them into patties and form the edges smooth. Then place in the fridge for 20-30minutes.


Get your K rocket hot and quickly sear to medium then enjoy on your favorite bun or even plain.


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Thanks for the tips, guys.

Current favorite recipe for burgers:

1/2 lb pound brisket

1/2 lb pound flank steak

1/2 lb short rib

All into a grinder or food processor. After meat is ground, mix in 2 tablespoons red miso for umami madness, and form into 1/4 lb patties.



Sorry I don't have a finished burger photo, they don't last very long.

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A few months ago Denise bought a box of skirt steaks, we usually marinate them in SoyVay VeryVery Teriyaki sauce. Well she brought home the wrong ones( inner skirt steaks are not as tender as outer skirt steaks, but a whole lot cheaper) and I caught the mistake right before we packaged them, they were really tough. What to do? We ground them up, Teriyaki sauce and all, and made burgers...holy crap are they great! We now sell Teriyaki Steak burgers in our freezer in 1/3 lb patties!

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