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Source for Lump Charcoal - Maui

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Re: Source for Lump Charcoal - Maui

The joys of living on an island! I'm afraid I can't help much, but occasionally you'll see a high-end brand mentioned that may be willing to ship you a pallet - be obviously you're used to paying extortion-quality shipping fees. For something like charcoal you may want to find a local BBQ group or even a restaurant or two and do a massive order otherwise you'll be dominated by shipping fees.

Personally I use Cowboy for my lump since it seems a good deal for the price/convenience and I only use lump for high temp stuff. For low and slow where the charcoal flavor can be much more of a driving factor I use Dennis' extruded coconut. He's got the machines to make it himself now so hopefully we'll soon start seeing it flow.

If you want to move away from Cowboy, can't find enough people to make "importing" a viable option, and can't wait for the extruded, you can always try to make it yourself. If you've got a decent source of untreated hardwood it's not too difficult to get the technique down to turn it into charcoal. There are some books and other instructional resources available but I haven't looked into it too carefully myself.

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Re: Source for Lump Charcoal - Maui

Thanks Jeff - I've got loads of kiawe and I've been thinking about making an inverted retort - for the fun of it if nothing else.

I also came across the Competition Kingsford at Costco and they charge about $20 for 2 ea 17lb sacks. That is amazing compared to anything else I've found here. I'll try them out after I run out of what I have.

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