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To Rotis or Not To Rotis

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Re: To Rotis or Not To Rotis

The Guru buttonology is easier but the Stoker more accurately controls the temp. Navigating the menus and entering inputs is a weirdo process on the Stoker. The stoker shuts off the airflow completely when its' fan is off. The guru sliding draft door stays open. You have to figure out how open to leave it to maintain your desired temp. DON'T leave it wide open for a cook in the 200's!!! I prefer the stoker, but have to relearn it every time I use it.

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Re: To Rotis or Not To Rotis

I had a similar question about the Stoker vs. Guru and had not got around to posting my question regarding shutoff and snuffing out the fire. So, when the Stoker is turned off after the cook it effectively "closes" the draft door?

Also, once the Stoker is installed do people simply leave it installed? If so, how robust is it to rain etc? I hope my questions are not diverting the intent of this thread. If so, my apologies and I'll start a new thread.

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Re: To Rotis or Not To Rotis

When you finish a cook with either device, you should remove the fan unit so you can fully close off the port to snuff the fire. Although the Guru fan, with its' slider door shut, and the Stoker fan, which closes its' draft door, are fairly airtight, they are not 100% airtight. We have a number of folks here who have experienced the inability to snuff the fire if there is even a tiny airleak anywhere in the system. Guru and Stoker also both state the fan is not waterproof.

Yank the fan and plug the hole.

For cooking in the rain, we have rigged a few rain covers for the fans and control boxes:


You can also use zip lock bags and any other creative solutions; there are a number of ideas here on the forums, perhaps folks will repost.

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Re: To Rotis or Not To Rotis

The Guru buttonology is easier but the Stoker more accurately controls the temp. Navigating the menus and entering inputs is a weirdo process on the Stoker.....I prefer the stoker' date=' but have to relearn it every time I use it.[/quote']


Funny you should mention the buttonology on the Stoker. It works

exactly like the remotes for my Lexicon theater processors. When I got

my first one years ago, it annoyed me to no end that I had to get out

the manual to make the slightest adjustment - especially when people

praised the product for its versatility and intuitive user interface. But

then, all of a sudden, after a couple of years, I caught on to it. If its any

help, the middle 2 buttons with the arrows are for scrolling through the

options, the far right button is the select button and to the left of the

arrow buttons is the escape one level button. So you are mostly using

the arrow buttons to run through the options, then you move over to the

right to choose something, then back to the arrow buttons to further scroll through the

new choices, back to the right to select, etc. And if you make a mistake, you go

left of the arrow buttons to escape and go back to where you were or, if you

keep hitting it, you get back to the beginning.


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Re: To Rotis or Not To Rotis

If you are computer and network capable, the stoker can work thru the wifi and you can control everything through your computer or smart phone. Once connected, you will not need to touch the stoker controls. It is all done through Internet or the Stoker Log program. Internet controls are MUCH EASIER then controls on just the stoker. And you can control from home, work, car or wherever. Don't think guru has Internet controllability, but I maybe wrong on that

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Re: To Rotis or Not To Rotis

Its more of a hassle trying to protect it from the weather than putting it on and pulling it off the KK - definitely less than 2 min. I agree totally that its easiest to control the Stoker online - not to mention just plain fun. But I have to use the buttons to get started because my router constantly changes the Stoker IP address on me and I have to go in there manually with the buttons to find out what it is on any given day. After that, I control it with my computer all the way.


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Re: To Rotis or Not To Rotis

The Stoker does not have a plug. I was interested in buying the new wi-fi unit, and I called Stoker to see if with the flap down on the blower whether the KK became airtight. They said there is still a gap, and recommended a silicone plug. Anyone out there know where to buy such a plug? If a member sells such a plug, please contact me.


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