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High(er) heat Prime Rib

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n74437 I continue to be amazed at how well the KK performs. We had a late family Xmas dinner the other night and got a nice 8.2lb 4-bone dry aged prime rib. My initial plan was to try one of the low temperature-reverse sear recipes but unfortunately I had to go to work for a bit and didn't even start the fire until 3pm. So I decided to sear first on the lower grate (not the sear grate as I had a basket stuffed full of CoCo). Anyway, could not get the temp below 375 or so, so I put the KK heat deflector on the basket and put the Meat on the mail grill. 2 hours later I pulled it at 122 degrees and let rest for 40 mins while the other fixins' were finished (caught us a bit off guard how fast it cooked). It ended up about Medium, in hindsight I shoulda pulled at 115 or a few degrees less to end up at medium-rare, but I was amazed at how perfectly even it was cooked. It was medium from end to end, even the tasty crusty end cuts were medium inside (sliced them about 3/4" thick). My father in law, who fancies himself a prime rib expert, thought it was going to be overlooked and dry due to the higher temp of 375. But he had no clue about the Magic of the KK! Definitely the best prime rib I've ever made, going to have to try another one soon when I can dedicate a whole afternoon! Thanks again Dennis :)

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Re: High(er) heat Prime Rib

Most all roasts can be cooked at a fire temp any where from 300 to 450. It really is not that critical as long as you are cooking indirect. Just pull them off at your desired finish temp. It's pretty handy that the fire temp is so forgiving for nearly any roast. I have had some fires get up near 500 and still got a perfect roast result.

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Re: High(er) heat Prime Rib

Hi Cookie,

I don't think there are many of us with KK's in Singapore.

I can't PM s I thought I would throw this up on your last topic. After buying my charcoal from a chicken rice guy at Ghim Moh market for the last few years I have finally found a guy who supplies direct and delivers to my house.

Let me know if you want the details.



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