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Bryan - I've tried making tamales and all I do is BUTCHER massa! I buy my tamales fro. The wife of one of the guys who does my lawn work. She's an absolute genius with massa. She does beef, pork, chicken, veggie tamales and they are out of this world!

Happy Thanksgiving! Here's wishing you and yours all the best.

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I really don't know what she charges per dozen. I just give my guy a Benjamin and ask him to get me some tamales for a party. All I know is that people rave about the tamales and I've never run out; there are always leftovers for me the next day. Rita really takes care of this old bachelor. She's always sending over food to me. I send all the dishes home with BBQ.

I've never heard of nor have I had a sweet tamale. Interesting. What are they like and how are they made? Are they a dessert item?

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CeramicChef- http://www.chowhound.com/recipes/mexican-sweet-tamales-27915

Once you find the masa you like just about any pie filling can be used.

Tamales are 60% masa and 40% filling.


I have a Model # TK-156X

A couple of my G-kids used it last summer and sold tamales to neighbors.

Sweet tamales! I'll make sure Rita sees this. Thanks so much. Fusion cuisine right here on the KK Forum! Who'd have thought of this? Great G'Kids you've got there.

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Sweet tamales! I'll make sure Rita sees this. Thanks so much. Fusion cuisine right here on the KK Forum! Who'd have thought of this? Great G'Kids you've got there.


The GGs are starting to ask who Ralph will live with when I am gone.

I started wit seven kids and ended with eight. Now they go from dating kids to GGGrands. Life is fun going down hill. Second childhood is wonderful especially when you have someone to share it with.

Did I forget to mention that the first one came out of the hanger when I was 17.

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