I wish I knew why my computer has so much trouble with this new forum. Not only does it crash when I try to post a picture but I can't copy or paste or make the quote tab work either. Anyway...
I think its a marketing mistake for the KK to be known as primarily for low and slow cooking. I do many more regular grilling sessions than low and slow and my favorite feature of the KK, besides its beauty ad durability, is its versatility in distancing the food from the fire. And I use it ALL from my steaks and burgers inches from the flames on the low handles of the sear grill to my chickens way up high in the dome. In fact, I would say that the least used cooking level in my KK is the main one except as a support for the sear grill on the tall handles. Add to that the options afforded by the basket splitter - I doubt there are many grills out there of any kind that can compete with this for regular grilling. And this is what distinguishes it from a cooking perspective from other ceramic cookers like the Big Green Egg which also does low and slow very well but doesn't offer these options for grilling. .