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  1. 23" Ultimate, Dark Vibrant Blue Pebble, Dark Grey Grout, July 2016 Order
    5 points
  2. We FINALLY broke out of the deep freeze. It was 50F yesterday - HURRAY! So you know what that means - fire up the KK! The actual 1st cook of 2025 - that's how long it's been too cold here to grill out! Nothing crazy, just a simple pork chop on the lower grate. Meat Church Holy Gospel rub. Plated with Carribean rice and sauteed green beans with a caprese salad.
    5 points
  3. Like @tony b, I took the opportunity of unseasonably temperate weather yesterday to use the KK23 for some baby back ribs. Nothing unusual, just my normal recipe. Plated with bbq beans and slaw, sauce on the side: A good Groundhog Day.
    4 points
  4. Cherry, Maple, White and Red oak, Red and White Birch are common around here braindoc and in abundance on hand. Since I like to resource my own from whats about or at the local firewood provider in his pile to pick, you made realize I haven't had any apple or peach in a while. Rather than order from an on line provider I went ahead and called a local orchad in the area. Springtime is just around the corner and they start pruning soon, they might even thin the herd and remove a few trees for reasons of their own. I spoke to a family member owning the orchard and he asked me to contact him later in the week after he spoke with his grandfather. Just a thought, I like my wood fresh...straight off the farm if available
    2 points
  5. Peach for Pork/Poultry and Post Oak for beef. I have tried any others but now i stick to those two. And I always get mine from Fruita Wood.
    2 points
  6. I typically cook out all year round, but this year has been brutal. We had windchills in the negative teens most days this past month. But, the good news is that it looks like we're back to "normal" winter weather for the forecasted future.
    2 points
  7. It's never too cold to grill Toney, it's all in your head...you just couldn't break away from the TV remote. Nice cook by the way
    2 points
  8. I've tried the splits, but found them generally too big, so I stick to the regular chunks.
    1 point
  9. $1200 if anyone interested. Not bad price for a KK Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  10. I'm also a fan of Fruita Wood. I stick to the "classics" - peach, cherry, apple, mesquite, post oak and hickory. I still have a bit of coffee wood from Dennis. I wish that I could still get pimento wood chunks for doing jerk chicken. I only have a few pieces left.
    1 point
  11. The price you pay for cooking in the cold is worth the taste of the KK food.
    1 point
  12. i agree with mac. the tumble dryer baskets tear up food. maybe a stacking grate setup...
    1 point
  13. I have six in the freezer right now. I've been buying them for years. I don't get as fancy as @tony b suggest, but a good dry brine and rub, pecan and manzanita wood, pulled at 132°-135° and rested is hard to beat. If I want to impress someone I'll cut them a single bone - double cut. They're almost 3" thick!
    1 point
  14. My new beastie, Ultimate 23 in Terra Blue.☺
    1 point
  15. Thank you Tania! I live on a little inland lake in Southwest Michigan. Edited to add the view from the lake side [emoji846]
    1 point
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