Unlike the St. Louis cut ribs I cooked, these didn't go as long on Bolo. I also change the basting mixture to honey, butter and BBQ sauce...no brown sugar this time. They had a good "bite" to them meaning all the meat didn't pull off the rib when you bit it. My wife said they were the best I ever cooked and believe me, she'll let me know if I mess something up
Anyway, 240 degrees for about 4 hours and 25 minutes. Ramped up to 300 for the last 10 minutes to set the second basting sauce. Tater tots finished the meal and it was enjoyed on our heirloom fine china once again.
​And for the love of Pete, don't get ribs with "up to 12% solution added" or "8% patented solution added"...just say NO to enhanced ribs and other pork. If you accidentally buy some, brine them overnight to get help get rid of that awful goo they put in the packages. Just sayin'.