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Everything posted by Turtle

  1. Re: When I Used To Work In The Container Shipping Business.. I feel your pain. Nothing like Christmas coming early then being postponed. I know Dennis isn't responsable for the shippers but wonder if he would bennefit from feedback. In my case Dennis had set up residential, Liftgate, and "call day prior". When driver arrived he tried to charge me for "residential and lift gate" that was not on the billing slip. The "call day prior" with my correct phone number WAS on his shipping/billing slip but he called me 20 minutes before he rolled in to my driveway, two days before the company told me it would arrive. But once you have it you forget all the child birth pains.
  2. Yeah, but even as obsured as the pic is, it would get him banned on some forums. The lighting is too romantic for tiled beauties... uh... which one is purty and which one is mannly... stop! stop! Too much information. Turn the light off and go back inside.
  3. Don't use a hammer and tap to remove the "plug" in your guru port. The "plug" is not a plug. It is the same refractory material as is in the rest of the body. I tried to pop the "plug" out by using a hammer to tap a short rod against the "plug" from the inside out. The "plug" started to come out, but it was still one piece with the metal guru port and it pulled the face plate off the outside of my new OTB. I ended up drilling it from the outside in and then tapped it from the outside in.
  4. Trips to the Out House Trips to the Out House should be scheduled carefully. I filled the fire box, lit a couple chunks of lump with the MAPP torch, opend the flu all the way. When I came back from bidness I had a roaring fire. Locked it down tight to smother it and then decided to take a peak once the temp came down. That is what they meant by flashback
  5. Thanks Firemonkey for the link. Great info and pics to explain the cuts. The ones I picked up at Costco were loin back. They were a little more expensive but I had no idea how to cut up the other ones. I have a new project!
  6. PC, When I was at Costco I noticed they are ~2$ and the babybacks are ~3$ a pound. I like the idea of more bang. Do you have any advice on how to trim and cook the untrimmed ribs? Or do you just cook em as they are out of the shrink wrap?
  7. Oops. My punctuation and syntax may have caused the confusion. Sanny’s intuition had the correct understanding. It was a tribute, a tip of the hat, to the one and only Larry. The tiled cookers look great but I just like the simple style of the black volcanic. All the pics of Larry (next to the other black volcanic) were a significant confirming influence in my color selection, as well as my cooker selection among the various manufacturers. Ask Dennis for a referral fee! My humble and sincere apology if the guru attachment is sacrilegious to Larry’s sense of Q decency!
  8. Baja Alabama! Thanks for the welcome.. I am over in the Tampa Bay area were 11 out of 10 households have season passes to Disney World, but could have had a Komodo instead. Your cooker is looking saweet. You will really enjoy cooking on it!
  9. Smokey Bones took a serious hit! You might consider a disguise next time you go there .
  10. Good to Hear that a new website is coming soon . A great website is a lot of work to put together and maintain, but it will really help the sales experience match the product.
  11. New Cooker, a tribute to Larry, cooking in the shaddow...
  12. ....from the land of palm trees and pelicans (and election headlines). I have been a lurker on the forum for some time, but have enjoyed BBQ for much longer. Finally decided to buy a ceramic and lurked on several forums to figure out which one I would buy. I almost ordered a ceramic cooker from another well known company with a better website (not for long I hope). I started to see posts being deleted. It didn’t take long to find out about Komodo and frankly it seems they have the better cooker. I can’t claim personal experience with the other ceramic type cookers, but my new Komodo rocks. Kodos to Dennis. Many thanks to the posters that have shared their experiences, tips, and pictures. It helps us newbs cook up some tasty stuff! I’ll try to post pics in the Komodo Photos thread. Cheers, Turtle
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