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Posts posted by DaveyR

  1. Love BBQ goat. Americans are one of the few places where goat isn't eaten much, same with lamb. Both are very tasty. Don't get it?

    I get told off each time i go in to Restaurant Depot the wife always watches me to make sure that i dont buy a whole goat or lamb.  Something about not putting it on her lap for ride home..

  2. DaveyR Thanks for the recipes. Sounds like a good cookbook. Any other unsual cooks in it? is the Kumara a sweet potato?

    Lots of unsual stuff.  The friends who wrote it were bush rangers back home.  Kumara is often called asian sweet potato or maybe red sweet potato.


    Stuff in there for kangroo, wallaby, tar, boar, goats, deer etc.... :)


    it has been out of press for many years and it was a small printing but often good flavors 

  3. I have some friends that did a cookbook a number of years ago.

    Here is the sections on roasting goat.  YMMV


    Roasting goat 
    Both the forequarter and the hindquarter 
    from a goat can be roasted although, as with 
    mutton, the hindquarter is usually better. 
    For a large forequarter, the meat may be 
    boned out, stuffed and rolled. This is not 
    practical with a small shoulder. We have 
    included recipes for both boned and whole 
    shoulders. A recipe for roast hind leg is also 
    included along with roast whole goat — the 
    Turkish feast. Cooking times are approximate 
    only and should be slightly longer for older 
    Roast forequarter of goat 
    I small forequarter of goat, with bone 
    I tbsp dripping 
    I tsp coriander 
    1/2 tsp nutmeg 
    I clove garlic, crushed 
    I tbsp oil 
    I tsp honey 
    salt and freshly-ground black pepper 
    Rub the meat with the paste. Place in a roasting 
    pan with dripping and cook for two hours or until 
    tender at 160C (325F), basting occasionally. 
    The pan-made gravy is delicious and the meal is 
    best served with brown rice cooked and mixed 
    with two tablespoons of toasted almonds and one 
    tablespoon of currants. 
    Rolled stuffed roast Of goat 
    I forequarter of goat, boned 
    I omon, chopped 
    I clove garlic, crushed 
    25 g butter 
    2 cups soft breadcrumbs 
    I tsp ground cloves 
    1/2 tsp coriander 
    I tbsp raisins 
    1/2 tsp nutmeg 
    juice and grated rind Of one lemon 
    salt and freshly-ground black pepper 
    Cook the onion and garlic in butter, add the 
    breadcrumbs and fry lightly. Add the spices, 
    raisins, lemon juice, rind, salt and pepper. 
    Spread this on the meat, roll up and secure 
    with string or skewers. Rub the outside with oil if 
    it is very lean and cook in a moderate oven 2 to 
    2 h hours or until tender. 
    Roast leg of goat 
    1 1/2 cups Of green ginger wine 
    2 cloves garlic 
    2 tbsp Oil 
    3 tbsp soy sauce 
    salt and freshly-ground black pepper 
    Mix the marinade and marinate the leg for twelve 
    hours at room temperature. Remove from 
    marinade and cook 3 - 31/2 hours at 160 C
    (325 F) or until tender. Keep the meat covered 
    until the last half hour and baste with a little of 
    the marinade at intervals as this will prevent it 
    from drying out. 
    Use 1/2 cup of the marinade when making gravy. 
    The flavour of this meal is best complemented 
    by kumaras baked in their jackets, orange and 
    green pepper salad, baby carrots and fresh green 
  4. Skid it up the steps on a rug useinh heavy straps from Harbor Freight. 2 to pull 2 to push and balance. Piece of cake.

    hhmmm bamboo stairs and house built by monkeys.  I am not sure that i trust it to hold the 400lb of grill + 600lb of person carrying.  Deck is built by new people and that wont go anywhere but stairs hhmm.


    Still have to get deck bits finished and then check out wallet :).  Maybe Christmas present from me to house.

  5. Will try in another week again where i will bring up to temp much faster and then ice bath it to cool it down.


    Then see what happens. Will also try with a much smaller brisket as will a 18 pound fit on.  Yes is it a good fit not really as it is fully across i think that 2 12 pounders would be as good.


    We are doing pulled pork as well Cookie but was looking for something that could feed lots and would be able to be cooked and not have to be watched over.  Now that i am going to have to do the reheat option then it opens things back up to stuff like ribs instead.

  6. Ok so after tasting it some lessons learned.


    Just cause you can cook a brisket for 24 hours dosnt mean that you should. Wife loved it but i thought it was like eating dry sand and carboard all mixed.  


    So for the wedding will not do that will have to do the pre-cook and then a reheat.


    No more photo's to upload as nothing that should be seen in public.

  7. hhmm i cant seem to upload any photo's this morning.


    It has come out great.  Meat is at a good constant temp of 180.  It topped out at 184 from memory.


    But i had to shut down the top damper and really just let it go out.

  8. Ok so the cook is happening.  


    For live stats http://home.toadstool.net.nz:9999will post the graph when it is done and remove the live feed.  Currently no blower attached so it is just me manually changing the settings to control temp.  Came out this morning and found that i had not sealed Astro up totaly last night so just put more coal on this morning at 8.30 and brisket went in at 11am.


    Fresh brisket was a bit bigger than i had remembered.  Was 18 pounds to start 



    Natural beef love restaurant depot.



    Ok as much of the fat cap trimmed as i am wanting to do.



    The underside was nice and lean



    Salt Pepper and on to kk round drip tray and in to the fridge for a nice rest.



    Brisket in and ready for a long slow cook.


  9. Tony have some pictures but cant seem to upload from tapatalk on phone very well.  So once it is on the grill in a couple of hours will update.

    mk1 that is good as i was wondering about having to cook part under foil for the whole cook as i would not be able to foil it mid way.  I will have 2 probes one in the flat and one in the point, they will both be graphed so it will be intresting to see what it looks like.

  10. i like the idea of putting it in the smoke pot Syzygies.  I will be doing the hot smoke of the rest of the salmon tonight.  Might try with the smoke pot and see what happens.  Last night just threw chunk on fire.

  11. Well i can confirm that the sweet flavor is figging amazing. :)


    Last night threw a bit on while doing a grill of the salmon tail and it came out sweet and with a great fruity flavor.


    If i can figure out how to use tapatalk i will post a picture of it.


    I also got told dont give away any of the wood so my suggestion is if you can find some do and add it to the flavors :)

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