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10 GoodAbout jimbo1102
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Tampa, FL
Network Engineer
I saw this and decided to adapt it a bit. I am doing everything the same except instead of rolling it around a ton of raw sausage I am doing a pork loin as the core. I cooked a small amount of bacon as the crunchy first concentric circle followed by cooked crumbled breakfast sausage then then bacon weave as the outer skin. Ingredients 2lbs bacon 1lb loose breakfast sausage 2lb pork loin Favorite dry rub (s) I prep the process by cooking ½ lb of the bacon to the point it is crispy and set aside as well as cook the sausage to the point it is brown and done and then set these aside. Start by weaving the remaining raw bacon to form a tight square weave. Season the bacon with your favorite dry rub or rub. I used these as they provide a great flavor. I then spread the cooked loose breakfast sausage over the seasoned bacon I crumbled the crunchy cooked bacon and spread it over the cooked loose sausage. Place the pork loin over one end of the heart stopping ensemble. Gently roll towards the other side using the aluminum foil to support the weave. When complete the entire roll should hold together. Can’t leave it naked, dry rub to taste. Wrap the entire roll in foil to form the “Pork Missle†Put him in the Komodo or grill at a low heat 225 and smoke until center reaches a temp of 175.
Rock's I am the one cruzmisl was referring to. My unit has never worked right. I called a zillion times, finally got someone. I have sent it to them, they upgraded the blower, but didn't include the upgraded bushing/rubber grommet, called a zillion more times and they finally sent me the bushing after insulting me for asking him for one. Small one wouldn't fit the larger blower and he acted like I shouldn't worry about it-no way to connect it without the right bushing. The upgraded blower was too strong by default and required a firmware upgrade-I did it and it still never worked right so I gave up on it and his crappy customer service. Anyone wanna buy a lame stoker?
OK you phockers, here ya go
OK, so I spent 18 hours smoking a pork butt, offered it to the kids and they turned their noses up at it. Naturally I was a bit disconnected. So today I ask my oldest what he would like for dinner and he responded "Steak!". I was doing a pizza as well so the grill was already nice and hot. I took her up to 580 and the steak went on. I hear a knock on the door, its the neighbor who could smell "something good". Now you know this scenario, blah blah and ten minutes later you have a burned steak on your hands. Not this time comrade. I offered an opportunity to view the spectacle of Atkins delight but indicated I had to go. Back to the KK. Off came the steak. In the interest of a balanced diet for Jr I added "veggies".
I didn't do a finished product shot due to the morning rush to get out the door. I could shoot a pic of my distended belly. So the smoke in N FL isn't all from wildfires I guess?
Firemonkey- Clermont isn't that far away. We need to compare notes sometime, especially if you have more experience. Lesson learned: mop less and drink more. I can do that.
This is my first err, butt. 12 lbs of pork shoulder. I applied the dry rub 24 hours ago as well as starting soaking wood chips in apple juice and water. Using my new Stoker i brought the KK up to 220. Just before throwing the pork in I reapplied the dry rub. She's a beaut. Now I sit back and wait. Every hour til bedtime she'll get mopped. She's coming off tomorrow AM and going to work with me where myself and a few close coworkers will devour it.
I installed the Stoker today, it was much easier than I had anticipated to remove the plug. Essentially a couple taps with a screwdriver took out the grout, then pushing out the plug was effortless. I am experimenting with setting temperature using the stoker. no food in there for now. Thus far it seems fairly straight forward. My only question would be how to set the KK now. Previously I adjusted the top and bottom vents to adjust the temp, I assume I leave the bottom vent closed now but what about the top? I have it open about 2 turns and it seems to be holding at my desired temp of 220. Anybody here with any suggestions on this?
Just curious how long I need to leave these in to ensure they stay tender?
nearby I see you are in PR, I live in Pinellas, nice to know there are local KK fans.
The new K arrived at the warehouse the other day and I picked her up using my utility trailer. Thanks to the packing it was in pristine condition. The crate was built better than a lot of furniture these days. I am still getting a handle on using the KK. I am quite surprised at how easily I can regulate temperature using the top and bottom vents. The thermometer did not ship with the unit but from what I hear it arrives separately (??)