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Posts posted by Shuley

  1. You are most fortunate! My youngest is just starting to adventure beyond PB&J, Mac&Cheese, boring pizzas and burgers :smt015 My eldest is quite adventurous though, but he just moved out :smt009.

    I'm eager to get Dennis' cold smoker unit so I can start cold smoking cheese, steelhead, salmon, nuts and stuff again. I had one that fit my old #7 but that's been sold and replaced with Nimoy (23" KK).

    My youngest (2) is fairly adventurous in his willingness to try new things....however his tastes are not nearly as adventurous as his brother`s. That's ok though. We just tell them both they have to try everything (even one bite) and they can't say that something is disgusting.

    It's really weird because I didn't even like blue cheese until after I had my first child and had them paired with strawberries. I just kept trying it and then one day it clicked! Hopefully my youngest will get a little more adventurous with time. It's ok if he doesn't as well.

  2. Makes me feel young again! Your son has good tastes

    Nothing like smoked cheddar, or gouda, or Parmesan, or any cheese!

    My oldest son is such an adventurous eater! He loves pickled cow's tongue, will eat tons of blue cheese, loves mussels, clams, squid, and any kind of fish I can get a hold of. Oddly enough, it wasn't until recently that he started liking eggs!

  3. My 6 year old had to go to the dentist for some work to get done and wasn't feeling the best afterwards. He asks for homemade Mac and cheese and ham. Then he specifies it has to be on the koko kamado. Hahaha. ed40c08f52e027fc95c441ae77a7e61c.jpgbacon because, why not.3cd6cf8320bbee9a094aa28db92b0537.jpgcooked down the onion, mustard powder, dash of cayenne and of course salt and pepper. Garlic right at the end.e0ff69d68cc6b6db386b57cea9a17491.jpgbechamel.81e551da1dc650708c41fdc792b4c2ce.jpgplus cheese and noodles, first layer.fbe3c7833ac4c67b0f1f36ea0cb044e0.jpglayer if the weirdest smoked gouda I have ever seen (my husband went grocery shopping for me) plus bacon.415ef7f334540019025d91d300d67068.jpgon koko.ad473cd35c7bfaf241025266eb675fe6.jpg

    On goes the ham steak plus ingredients for the smoked salsa that I made for dinner the next day (today).bfe00d1b62f4dc7cbb8ded0f34f627e2.jpg

    What the Mac and cheese looked like. BTW, I opted not to do a bread crumb layer because it's good the first time you have it but always seems kinda soggy in left overs. This worked out well with extra cheddar on top.0354bcdedfe668f07bf0bbc2828b8be7.jpg

    My plate with a simple side salad and ham topped with my favorite whole grain mustard. (my son is nuts for the stuff too)

    He had two huge helpings and that it is what he wants for his birthday dinner. It's a win in my book.

    • Like 1
  4. So the other night I made a brisket and naturally I had some friends over to help me eat it. One of my friends hadn't seen my kk yet, and I asked him if he wanted to see it. We went outside and he couldn't believe it! He started taking pictures and asking to look inside it and sending them to his other friend. Throughout the night he kept just touching it. Its pretty funny. Anyway my husband was over this afternoon at his house and I guess he said he had a few projects to finish first but he is now thinking about eventually getting one of his own. Just goes to show you what an impact actually touching one of these grills can have.

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  5. Great job! Love me some burnt ends!

    OK, for the rest of ya'll out there, GET THEE HENCE TO COSTCO!!! PRIME grade full packer cuts of brisket for only, wait for it, $3.79/lb. YES, that's right PRIME for only $3.79/lb. Just wish that I had more room in my chest freezer right now (damn it, chicken has been crazy cheap lately ($0.59/lb) and I'm stocked up on leg quarters!)


    Yup, that is the price I got mine for. As soon as I heard how cheap it was, I tried to get to Costco as fast as I could without being too pushy lol.

  6. Great job! Love me some burnt ends!

    OK, for the rest of ya'll out there, GET THEE HENCE TO COSTCO!!! PRIME grade full packer cuts of brisket for only, wait for it, $3.79/lb. YES, that's right PRIME for only $3.79/lb. Just wish that I had more room in my chest freezer right now (damn it, chicken has been crazy cheap lately ($0.59/lb) and I'm stocked up on leg quarters!)


    Yup, that is the price I got mine for. As soon as I heard how cheap it was, I tried to get to Costco as fast as I could without being too pushy lol.

  7. Looks delicious even if the burnt ends shredded up a little. Everytime you do a low-n-slow your confidence in the KK maintaining a stable temperature over the cook will grow. Once set and stable I don't worry about it anymore. I just go about my business and check back later.

    Reef's Bistro

    Thanks! I'm finding that I get more confidence over time. Hopefully I can attain guru status in a few years haha.

  8. I am normally a proponent of changing one variable at a time when perfecting a recipe...and having a KK had been that variable for most of my recent cooks. That being said, the price of brisket at my local Wal-Mart has been steadily climbing...not to mention none of them have any lump charcoal at all all of the sudden. My sister in law agreed to meet me at Costco and I picked up my first prime brisket. I trimmed and seasoned it like I normally would. I let it sit during the day in the fridge. Then I started my fire, set my vents and went to sprouts for some abt ingredients. I put it on about 11. I'm sorry no actual cook pictures. Pulled it at about 3:30 pm because it was probing like butter. Let it rest for an hour and took a small potion of the point because I wanted to re attempt burnt ends.4d690269a705e4e83e417037fa40dac9.jpg

    Cubed it up.838dece7ed9cad03eacacc829a7c6843.jpg

    I tried to go sparingly in the bbq sauce (last time I had too much), then added rub.41d6bab526fcd3ac9d193ff263c88fb3.jpg

    Mixed it all up and the onto the kk above the ABTs. (i can't believe I have only made ABTs 2 times. They are so Flippen good And gone in about 5 minutes)1067c059aa628972db48dfa690a15997.jpg

    After about an hour (stirring every 20 min or so) this is what they looked like.229139e995f2ed4f70e13756f5ba4deb.jpg

    We smacked on those and the ABTs while we waited for the last family to arrive. Then I sliced up the brisket.

    I didn't take pictures. I know, I know, bad shuley. It had the same bark as the outside of the point. Noticing the distribution of the day in the point, it seemed much more even than my previous briskets. When slicing the flat, I was a little disappointed because it APPEARED the same as my previous cooks. Luckily I still had some because it was definitely more tender and more moist as well. The biggest difference was how much more tender than my previous flats have been. Obviously, it wasn't as tender as my point but it was pretty dang tender. Definitely my best brisket to date.

    Also, I was so much better about the over night thing this time. Much more confident in my settings. I only went to bed 1 hour later than normal and I only woke up once to peek at my remote thermometer. Progress!

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