Hello KK Fanatics,
I have been browsing the forum for about a month now, reading as much as i can about these amazing Grills. Like most people who are into BBQ, I started with a Weber Kettle. I have mostly used that for roasting and grilling and occasionally low and slow smoking. I have the same issues as everyone controlling temperature on the Weber kettles but my ribs still turn out pretty good as far as I'm concerned. I know that there is MUCH room for improvement. I haven't tried brisket yet but I can see that as something I would like to try later on.
About 3 months ago I saw a XXL BGE for sale from a bbq store that had been using it for demonstrations on weekends. It was at a pretty good price so i started investigating Kamado style Grill/Cookers and if that was something that would be worthwhile getting. So from everything I have read these style cookers can do different styles of cooking to an extremely high standard (when the person using them knows what their doing of course). The high temperature grilling and low and slow from the one cooker sounds pretty good to me. My Wife likes the idea of being able to do pizzas, and who wouldn't love all the family around for a pizza night?
So eventually my internet browsing led me to Kamodo Kamado and after reading as much as I have on this forum I think I'm about ready to go ahead and order one. For the size of our family I think that a 32 Big Bad will be the best, we regularly have 8-10 people around for dinner and sometimes as many as 20-30 for Christmas/New Year. So far our biggest decisions are what accessories to get and what tile color! Pizza stone, Rotisserie Spit and side tables are a must for us.
So I do have some questions that some of you might be able to help with.
Rotisserie Spit or Cradle?? I've only ever used a spit type on my Weber Summit and have never had a problem. I mostly cook chicken and rolled pork which aren't terribly big, so would the cradle be better for bigger cuts???
I'm interested in low and slow with smoke so would the cold smoker be worthwhile? I have read a lot about dirty smoke and clean/blue smoke and i know some of you on here use the cast iron pot method. So throwing chunks straight onto the lit charcoal is not recommended?
The basket splitter seems like a necessity for 2 zone cooking???
This is one for the Australian KK owners. Whats the process for importing into Australia? What are the import duties etc. I know Dennis can walk me through this but I wanted to have a rough idea of the import duties before I give him a call.
Well that's all I can think of at the moment, any help you can give me will be much appreciated.