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About Bommer

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    Junior Member


  • Location
    Rochester, Mi
  • Interests
    BBQ,Antiques, Travel
  • Occupation
    Insurance Sales

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  1. Hi Dennis,

    i have seen the new smoke generator, when is it going to be available and how much is it?


    Dave Bommarito


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    1. DennisLinkletter
    2. Bommer


      Thank you Dennis, how long will it last on a full load, range please

  2. Looks great, can't wait to be able to order one
  3. I have had a Bradley for about 15 years now and have just upgraded to the digital one, what is nice is you can set it and forget it Temp and smoke for hours. I have a KK and love it but if $ is an issue you will love the Bradley.
  4. my new cover Hi John! Just got the cover and we LOVE it! It is a PERFECT fit and looks FAB! Your service was fantistic..... Thanks again for helping protect our Kamado from the cold Michigan winter! Thanks Again Dave
  5. Bommer

    More pizzas

    My first Pizza Here is my first pizza, used imported pizza flour from Italy...Came out great! Love the KK
  6. Thanks, Looking forward to cooking on my new KK a lot. Already did a pork butt, ribs and some chicken. Sorry, no pics yet. I need to get the hang of it...been smoking for 35 years now, the KK is very different from my Bradley..On the slow rib cook, fire was so low it did not give as much smoke as I am used too. I guess I need to use dryer wood and more of it, so it will start easier. Dave
  7. Dennis, It just arrived and had my first cook, more to come.... Thanks for everything, Super service, always get back to me,the quality it the best! Thanks Dave Pictures,Posted by Jeff below?
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